Bootloop after Power NAS540


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  • udo
    udo Posts: 13
    Friend Collector
    Mijzelf said:
    Somehow your kernel command line is damaged.
    [    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200n8, init=/etc/preinit pcie_gen1_only=yes  mac_addr=,,
    It should contain the layout of the flash partitions. Without that the kernel doesn't know, and the mtd partitions aren't there. You can try to overwrite the env partition, as described in this thread. I pm'ed you a download link.

    Good Evening Mijzelf,
    manny thanks for your Support. i got th file onto the NAS.
    But i have some problems...

    1. gzip is not on Barebox/NAS
    Troubleshooting: unzip with 7zip on the Windowsmachine.
    Question: Is that a posible way?

    2. cat nas540.mtd2.gz | gzip -d | nandwrite /dev/mtd2
    the command "nandwrite" doesnt exists...

    cmd with nand...
    nand - NAND specific handling
    read_nand - Read the NAND
    update_nand - Flash the NAND

    can you bend over the command to the actual barebox for me? without gzip?
    My linux knowhow is not so pronounced to derive that...

    Many thanks to you and stay healhy..

    Grettings Udo

  • udo
    udo Posts: 13
    Friend Collector
    by the way... i found a putty version with extras... TFTP for example... and the handling is much easier IMO...

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    The idea is to use the universal usb key (network, telnet and stop) to get a Linux shell over telnet. Then all needed tools are available. Except for tftp, maybe, but you can use wget to pull it from a webserver.
  • udo
    udo Posts: 13
    Friend Collector
    Okidoki next steps...
    Thanks a lot for the help.
    I extracted(7zip) all the files to an FAT USB Stick.
    renamed "" to ""
    Serial USB and putty connected and power on.

    so and then maybe something changes... i think it stopped before copying barebox...
    but then the bootloop started like in my 1st post.
    then i tested about 6 USB sticks on all USB ports... but nothing...

    hmmm do we have another posibilities? Mijzelf?
    i use 7zip, total commander and notepad++, no original windows tools...

    Thank you very much and greetings Udo...

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Hm, on second thought it wouldn't work, even if you would get a telnet shell. When the mtd partitions aren't defined in the kernel command line, the u-boot environment is not reachable from the shell.

    Your problem seems equal to this one:

  • udo
    udo Posts: 13
    Friend Collector
    Alright and many thanks... i walk through and may test the commands...

    Feedback here will come...

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