Can't get Mutly U wifi work again

I've had Multy U with 3 units for a year. It was working perfectly. Then I changed my phone to Pixel 4a and the Multy U app was not connected to the system. Old phone does not work at all anymore. I decided to try resetting and re-setupping everything. I've took all units off. Now I just can't get the setup working at all. The mobile phone does not connect to the first unit, I've tries meny times, re-restting again and again. The reseted unit has a blue-green color light on. How do I get the system work again?

All Replies

  • (So the color is not solid blue but solid blue-green combination. The modem is working and direct net work with cabel is working fine)
  • In one many times button-reseted unit the green is solid but in two non-button-reseted the color is blinking green - but the network works. Still no connection with Multy U -mobile app.
  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,337  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments
    Hi @BenRydman

    Please provide us the MAC address, Serial Number of the three devices and the account you registered on the Pcloud.

    You can private message the information to us.

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