NR7101: PCI SCAN not working


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  • Mayone78
    Mayone78 Posts: 46  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP
    edited January 2023
    Goodmorning, same for me but for 5G Cellular Lock.
    I'm sure that I have N78 band available from Vodafone IT.
    Right now the router is inside home, not outside, just for testing. Maybe I can't see 5G radio because of this?

    Current Firmware Version: 1.00(ABUV.7)C0
    Current LTE Module Version: RG502QEAAAR11A07M4G

    SELBERG Posts: 373  Master Member
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    edited January 2023
    You can't use Cellular Lock if you use 5G NSA only 5G SA. 
  • Mayone78
    Mayone78 Posts: 46  Freshman Member
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    edited January 2023
    SELBERG said:
    You can't use Cellular Lock if you use 5G NSA only 5G SA. 

    Thank you so much!
    At this point I have another question: how can I force NR7101 to use 5G NSA or how I can see if it can reach 5G NSA bands?
    Sorry but It's the first time I configure a 5G router (coming from tp-link MR-600).
    Thank you again for all the advices you can give me!
    SELBERG Posts: 373  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Network setting/broadband/cellular band, use droplist.
  • tonygibbs16
    tonygibbs16 Posts: 977  Guru Member
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    Hello @Mayone78

    If you set the Preferred Access Technology to Auto and Band Auto Selection to Auto as well, according to item F in the following article for NR7101 , then you should be able to use 5G NR-NSA as well as 5G NR-SA when available.

    I hope that this is helpful.

    Kind regards,
  • it’s almost two years and several new firmware versions since this was reported and it hasn’t been fixed yet. Can some please let us know how to be able to scan using this device and it’s web UI?

  • It looks like official support is nonexistent in this community forum. Too bad for us customers who have given a reputable amount of money for your products.

  • Noddy
    Noddy Posts: 57  Ally Member
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    Definitely does work - I've used it a few times here in the UK to fix the 4G LTE connection on my NR7101. Those people with issues, have you tried a factory reset? I've had issues in past with bits of the GUI/Router not working as intended, post FW updates. Factory reset would then iron out the glitches.

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