Hacked NAS326

danko Posts: 19  Freshman Member
First Anniversary 10 Comments
edited October 2022 in Personal Cloud Storage
I dont know how (I have a very strentgh password, and last firmware instaled)...but someone haked my NAS326.
All files in all folders are crypted and in every folder there are a txt file !CHECKMATE_DECRYPTION_README with instructions for paying 560USD for uncrypt....
Is there are some solution for saveng files?
Thank you

All Replies

  • ikubuf
    ikubuf Posts: 135  Ally Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    edited October 2022
    It normally gets polluted once that malicious file has been loaded onto an endpoint/laptop/pc,there are variety of methods for infecting your device, whether it’s an attachment in an email, a link sent via spam, it spreads to the network.

    Have you ever done the backup on your NAS?
    If so, you could delete the volume and reset your NAS.
    After done reset and cleaning the volume, you can restore the backup back to the NAS.

    There is a simple way to secure your NAS, you can refer to the article
  • Pacwin
    Pacwin Posts: 3
    First Comment
    I have had exactly the same thing occur to me on the 14th of October.

    I have a separate backup on another drive, trying to recover this at the moment.

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