Resolve “Device is already registered by another user”, however, the Nebula QR is missing?

Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,938  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula
edited February 3 in Other Topics


Suppose you've purchased a used AP and wish to add it to your Nebula site, or you've unregistered your AP from Nebula cloud mode and want to transfer it between organizations (where each organization belongs to a different account). You encounter the message: "Device is already registered by another user. Add the device by scanning its QR code using the Nebula Mobile APP." However, the Nebula QR code is missing from the AP or its box.


1/ Power up the AP using an adapter only to isolate it from the network.

2/ Press the reset button on the AP for approximately 10 seconds until the LED indicator starts to blink rapidly in green and amber. This action will reset the AP.

3/ Connect your PC to the AP's default SSID, which is labeled as "Zyxel_XXXX" (where XXXX represents the last four characters of this AP's MAC Address).

4/ Access the AP's local web GUI by entering its default IP address: and click Standalone Mode button.

If you're unable to access, it's possible that your computer hasn't acquired the correct IP address. In this case, manually assign an IP address to your computer that's in the same subnet as the AP. Detailed steps can be found in note 2.

5/ Log in using the default credentials: username - "admin" and password - "1234".

6/ Click Cancel to exit Wizard settings

7/ Update the password > click Apply

8/ Log in again using the username "admin" and your updated password.

9/ Click Cancel again

10/ The Message center will appear, displaying the QR code.

If you wish to add this AP to your organization or a different organization, use the Nebula Mobile APP [Android] / [iOS] to scan the QR code.


1/ If your AP isn’t isolate in the network, it might get IP from the gateway/firewall DHCP server. To verify the AP's IP address, use ZON or the DHCP table on your gateway/firewall. Then, follow the steps mentioned above.

2/ Steps to manually assign an IP address to your computer that's in the same subnet as the AP

2.1 Go to Network connection > Right click on the using network card icon and choose "Properties

2.2 Select Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click "Properties',

2.3 Assign your computer IP same subnet with the AP > Click OK

For instance, the AP's IP is, set your computer's IP to