Win 11 and SMB2 for NSA325v2 - Firmware NSA325_4.81(AAAJ.1)

aldapooh Posts: 66  Ally Member
First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP


I got my Win 11 laptop (do not ask if I wanted it)

Win 11 needs SMB2 support from NSA325v2 which I had since ages.

Is there up-to-date (2023-2024) step-by-step instructions how to get SMB2 support on NSA325v2 with firmware NSA325_4.81(AAAJ.1)?

I searched some similar questions, but the threads there included many links which do not work anymore.

Any recent experiences and instructions for dummies (I know ssh but mostly that is it)?

Thank you and happy holidays.


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  • aldapooh
    aldapooh Posts: 66  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP

    Hello Mijzelf,

    thank you million times for the links above. Kudos!

    I did install the Metarepo package and as well installed the Entware-ng package.

    I read your thread here: [HOWTO] Install samba 3.6.25 on a ZyXEL fw4 nas - Zyxel Forum - Herzlich Willkommen!

    and I am a bit unsure of the next steps.

    After enabling Entware-ng package I see the following list under <server>/pkg/Entware-ng/pkgcgi.cgi?chapter=Packages








    This package contain the python bindings for Linux SMBus access through i2c-dev.




    Samba 3.6 SMB/CIFS client




    Samba 3.6 SMB/CIFS net commands




    The Samba software suite is a collection of programs that implements the SMB protocol for UNIX systems, allowing you to serve files and printers to Wi

    Should I execute the script from you thread already? Or should I first install any of the packages above? If yes, which one and how exactly?

    opkg update
    opkg install zyxel-samba-replacement # will automatically pull the samba server

    # disable the Entware-ng samba server and script
    /opt/etc/init.d/S08samba stop
    chmod a-x /opt/etc/init.d/S08samba

    # enable and start the replacement script
    chmod a+x /opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement
    /opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement start


    And one more thing - how can I make a backup of my current SMB config and files, so I can roll back to it in case I screw something over? Would be a copy of "/etc/samba/smb.conf" enough?

    Thanks, and regards, -A  

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,878  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    The installation of zyxel-samba-replacement will automatically pull the needed packages, which is samba-server.

    An you don't need to backup the firmware files, as they are not removed. Basically the firmware's samba start script is hotpatched to start the Entware samba server instead. It's config file (/opt/etc/samba/smb.conf) includes the firmware config file to adopt it's shares. If you disable zyxel-samba-replacement and reboot, everything is like it was.

  • aldapooh
    aldapooh Posts: 66  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP

    Hello Mijzelf,

    thank you so much for your feedback and guidance.

    I followed the step you described and everythign went Ok until here:

    <Server name> login: admin

    BusyBox v1.17.2 (2017-06-21 16:20:33 CST) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

    ~ $ su

    BusyBox v1.17.2 (2017-06-21 16:20:33 CST) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

    ~ # opkg update
    Updated list of available packages in /opt/var/opkg-lists/packages
    Updated list of available packages in /opt/var/opkg-lists/Mijzelf
    ~ # opkg install zyxel-samba-replacement
    Installing zyxel-samba-replacement (3.6.25) to root...
    Installing samba36-server (3.6.25-9) to root...
    Configuring samba36-server.
    Configuring zyxel-samba-replacement.
    ~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S08samba stop
    ~ # chmod a-x /opt/etc/init.d/S08samba
    ~ # chmod a+x /opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement
    ~ # /opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement start
    Stopping Samba daemons: nmbd smbd.
    mv: can't rename '/opt/var/lock/*': No such file or directory
    ~ #

    Is it a problem?

    How can I check the version of Samba running?Or if it all it is running?

    PS Just in case if it helps to find an issue

    ~ $ echo $PATH
    ~ $ su

    BusyBox v1.17.2 (2017-06-21 16:20:33 CST) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

    ~ # echo $PATH
    ~ #

  • aldapooh
    aldapooh Posts: 66  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP

    I think it worked.

    ~ $ smbstatus -V
    Version 3.6.25
    ~ $

    And I was able to mount a network drive on Win 11 to my good old NSA325v2

    Even after tha NSA restart the mount was working, so I think I am good for some time.

    Thank you, Mijzelf!

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,878  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    mv: can't rename '/opt/var/lock/*': No such file or directory

    ~ #
    Is it a problem?

    Maybe. /opt/var/lock should be a symlink to /var/lock. If it isn't, samba will keep the disks awake. You can check that with

    ls -l /opt/var

    If /opt/var/lock is a directory (the line containing lock starts with drw) the mv error kept the install script from creating the symlink.

  • aldapooh
    aldapooh Posts: 66  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary Community MVP

    please excuse my stupidity

    this is an output of ssh after the restart of nsa325

    ~ $ ls -l /opt/var
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 20:40 lock -> /var/lock
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 19 21:01 log
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 19 21:01 nmbd
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 19 20:39 opkg-lists
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 19 21:01 run
    ~ $

    should I re-run the initial installation script?

    or how can I ensure to have a clean smb 2 setup with Samba not keeping disks awake?

    Thank you!

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,878  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 20:40 lock -> /var/lock

    It's fine. lock is a symlink to /var/lock

  • django_alexander
    django_alexander Posts: 5
    First Comment
    edited May 2024

    I would like to come back with some clarifications (year 2024) for those who want to stop having problems with samba in windows 10. This post is based on Mijzelf's tutorials (Thank you). So let's start:
    Install samba 3.6.25 on a ZyXEL fw4 nas (Tested on zyxel nsa325 with latest firmware)
    In the web interface of nsa325 in packages install and enable the Entware-ng package
    ATTENTION!!! Also from the interface, disable Recycle Been from all created shares
    It will be installed in /opt
    cd /opt/bin
    ./opkg update
    ./opkg install zyxel-samba-replacement # will automatically pull the samba server

    disable the Entware-ng samba server and script

    /opt/etc/init.d/S08samba stop
    chmod a -x /opt/etc/init.d/S08samba

    enable and start the replacement script

    chmod a+x /opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement
    /opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement start

    That's it. It can be confusing that by executing '/opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement start' you see samba stopping, and with '/opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement stop' you see it starting. That's the samba firmware. The replacement script always stops one, and starts the other.

    To definitively solve the problem with the shares, including creating new shares:

    Copy /etc/smb.conf to /opt/etc/samba: cp /etc/smb.conf /opt/etc/samba
    Modify the ZyXELSambaReplacement.conf file as follows:

    #client max protocol = SMB2
    max protocol = SMB2

    #include = /etc/samba/smb.conf
    include = /opt/etc/samba/smb.conf

    Attention!!! This will completely bypass the samba conf from the original firmware. I recommend this because the original configuration comes with very old settings and with major security problems, in the following I will also give an example of a .conf that works perfectly with windows 10.

    workgroup = Whatever
    domain master = no
    local master = no
    preferred master = no
    os level = 100
    server string = NSA325
    netbios name = NSA
    dos charset = UTF8
    display charset = UTF8
    unix charset = UTF8
    security = user
    encrypt passwords = yes
    smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
    guest account = pc-guest
    map to guest = Bad User
    write ok = yes
    force create mode = 777
    force directory mode = 777
    force security mode = 777
    force directory security mode = 777
    auth methods = guest sam_ignoredomain
    max log size = 50
    host msdfs = yes
    ; lanman auth = yes
    ;Permit authentification NTLMv2 for clients.
    client ntlm auth = yes
    ;Allow NTLMv1 and higher authentication, allowing Windows to start with a less secure protocol and negotiate at a higher level
    ntlm auth = yes
    kernel oplocks = no
    socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=131072 SO_RCVBUF=131072
    use mmap = yes
    max xmit = 131072
    min receivefile size = 128k
    unix extensions = no
    wide links = Yes
    oplocks = yes
    level2 oplocks = no
    max smbd processes = 128
    printing = cups
    printcap = /etc/printcap
    load printers = yes
    use sendfile = yes
    passdb backend = smbpasswd
    veto files = /.grive*/

    This is the [global] section; I disabled lanman authentication because it is old and insecure and i enable NTLMv1 and v2.

    Now you can restart smb or just reboot the machine. And with that linux part is over, now just make sure windows 10 use NTLMv2 (It should be default but don't risk it)

    Windows 10 settings
    Modify the Local Security Policy as follows:

    1. press the windows key and R
    2. secpol.msc
    3. Navigate to Local Policy - Security Options
    4. Double Click on Network security: LAN Manager authentication level
    5. Select: Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated
    6. Apply then OK
    7. Reboot then wait a bit as it takes until it takes.

    That's all folks.
    These settings will allow you to see the NAS in the Windows 10 network, to map network disks and most importantly to create and modify the shares as you wish (Attention !!! I only put the [global] section in the conf.. .I didn't put the section with the shares that remain as you configured them in the original conf). This example does not change the behavior of Android phones in any way.

  • Attention !!!


    workgroup = Whatever

    just use your workgroup name :)

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