Win 11 and SMB2 for NSA325v2 - Firmware NSA325_4.81(AAAJ.1)


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  • ArghUrgh
    ArghUrgh Posts: 2  Freshman Member
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    Ah that's ist! I found it in /opt/sbin

    Thank you for clarification! ;-)

  • fabgen
    fabgen Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    Many thanks for the links and the instructions. Unfortunately, there is no package "zyxel-samba-replacement" inside Entware anymore. I tried samba server but this didn't work (looks like the whole environment for zyxel is missing). Is there any chance to get the zyxel-package?

  • fabgen
    fabgen Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    edited February 6

    Edit: Sorry, duplicate…

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,878  Guru Member
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    I can see it here:

    Check in /opt/etc/opkg if that repo is in the list.

  • fabgen
    fabgen Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    Perfect, there it is. Small note, https as in the link creates an error due to certificate errors (haven't checked any details), but http works. I also got the symlink error, but it looks like everything works. Many thanks, this has saved my plans for paperless without buying new hardware😀

  • fabgen
    fabgen Posts: 5  Freshman Member
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    Hello again, I did encounter a strange situation. After the installation, I set SMB2 as the target-version ("min protocol = SMB2" inside ZyXELSambaReplacement.conf, later also in /etc/samba/smb.conf for a test). It ran perfectly for a week; I used it for paperless and also could access my shares from iPhone Files-App. All of a sudden, I couldn't access my shares anymore. After few small researches and reboots, I found that the server doesn't propagate version 2 anymore (checked via nmap). Also, my special config was gone. Still, smbstatus -V says it is Version 3.6.25. I haven't found any reason for the missing v2. I can access over v1, but this looks very suspecious to me.

    Has anyone ever had this experience or do you guys has any idea what to check?

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,878  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    later also in /etc/samba/smb.conf for a test

    Is you SMB2 setup dependent on a setting in that file? That file is volatile, and generated from scratch by the firmware. At any moment the firmware case decide to generate a fresh file.

    Still, smbstatus -V says it is Version 3.6.25

    AFAIK smbstatus doesn't actually query the running smb server. It just assumes the running server was in the same package. If you want to know which binary is running, use top to find it's PID, and then execute

    cat /proc/<PID>/cmdline | tr '\0' ' '

    to read it's commandline.

  • fabgen
    fabgen Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    edited February 18

    Update: After a few restarts, v2 is here. I'm sorry for the inconveniences. Many thanks for your help.

    Thanks for your answers. I think I have a better understanding now. Somehow, the old environment was active again. I did some research, found log-files in /usr/local/zy-pkgs/opt/var/log and therefore could get the new environment come up again. I do now have /opt/sbin/smbd running and I tried to set min protocol = SMB2 in ZyXELSambaReplacement.conf, but I get the error "(reply_negprot)
    No protocol supported !" So i do have the newer version but still only v1 active. Any idea what could be wrong?

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