write-protected volume?

gkovats Posts: 14  Freshman Member
First Comment Second Anniversary


I have a NAS 326 with two HDDs. The first is full, the second is empty. When I try to copy from the first to the second, I get an error message that the second HDD is write-protected.
If I first copy the file from the first HDD to the PC and then from there to the second HDD, the copy is done without any problems.
Why can't I copy directly between the two HDDs? What should I set to allow direct copying?

Many thanks for the help!

All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,864  Guru Member
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    So you are basically trying to copy from one share to another? That should work, and I don't know why it doesn't work for you.

    As work-around I suggest you to use the filebrowser in the webinterface. That also has as advantage that you can get higher copy speeds. (The data doesn't have to be down- and uploaded, but is copied entirely in the NAS).

  • gkovats
    gkovats Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary

    Thank you very much, Mijzelf.
    When I use the filebrowser in the webinterface and drag one of the files to the new HDD, it asks me to copy or move, but whatever I choose, nothing happens. The copy does not proceed, but no error message is shown.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,864  Guru Member
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    Did you reboot the NAS between your share-to-share copy attempt and the share-pc-share copy? In Linux it's normal that a filesystem is remounted read-only when a filesystem error is detected during operation. A reboot can fix that (remounted read-only) until the same or another error is detected again.

    I can imagine that the filebrowser webinterface has no interface to show copy failure due to read-only target.

  • gkovats
    gkovats Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary

    I rebooted the NAS. No change.

    When I try to copy a lot of files to the new HDD from the old HDD, some of the files are copied successfully, but a lot of them are not and I got the error message to turn off write-protection.

    When I try to copy a lot of files to the new HDD from the PC, everything seems fine, no error message. But taking a closer look, I find that a lot of files have a size of 0. And some of those file that has a valid size seems to be corrupted. But the rest work fine. I cannot find any patterns regarding which files are fine and which have problems.

    Could it be that the new HDD has bad sectors? Or file system problems? I am just guessing…

  • gkovats
    gkovats Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary

    (The files I coped to the new HDD weeks or moths ago works fine)

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,864  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Could it be that the new HDD has bad sectors?

    S.M.A.R.T. can tell.

    Or file system problems? I am just guessing…

    When a file system is detected, the volume is remounted read-only, and you can't write anything, until next reboot.

    There is a known problem about corrupted files (see

    but AFAIK that doesn't yield zero byte files.

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