My Nr7102 has missing or not working options

spigias Posts: 5  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector

recently got a new Nr7102 and the device interface is a mess

there is no scan option on lte 4g band lock(the option exist on my other router the nr7101)

there is no scan option on 5g band lock(the option exist on my other router the nr7101)

log file freezes the interface

after firmware update V1.00(ABYD.2)C0 the cell id of 5g NSA is no longer reported(i have to use telnet to get the 5g cellid info).

you can't upgrade your device online, why you advertise this on your site? its not working.

small bugs and glitches everywhere.

the NR7102 feels abandoned compared to my other router the Nr7101 if the NR7102 is EOL product please respond back so i can return it to seller.

All Replies

  • Noddy
    Noddy Posts: 56  Ally Member
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    That's not good. I'd make a list just like you've started to do and raise it all in a ticket direct with Zyxel support. I've found their support to be great, and I've even raised a few bugs with them. See what they have to say. If you don't get a satisfactory response, then send the unit back for a refund.

    There product list does seem to be expanding somewhat, wonder if the devs are struggling to keep up.




  • spigias
    spigias Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    thank you Noddy i will raise a ticket and hope for the best.

  • spigias
    spigias Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    hello ,

    just a heads up zyxel provided a new firmware for testing

    Scan for 4g/5g exist as an option now

    5g cell id is reported correctly on interface

    log not loading was a browser incompatibility

    hopping for more bug fixes but this was a good step in the right direction

  • spigias
    spigias Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    unfortunately no dates yet for official release

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