How do I enable or disable the PoE function on the USG Flex H model using the CLI?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,305  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited December 2024 in Maintenance

Question :

How do I enable or disable the PoE function on the USG Flex H model using the CLI?

Answer :

The user can use CLI to enable or disable the PoE function. For instance, to disable the PoE function on port 2 of the USG Flex 200HP, follow the steps shown below:

usgflex200hp> edit running
usgflex200hp running config# poe port p2 enabled false
usgflex200hp running config# commit
Configuration committed.
usgflex200hp running config# copy running startup
Overwrite startup configuration? [y/N] y

The Web-GUI will show that the POE function is disabled.

To enable the PoE function on port 2 of the USG Flex 200HP, follow the steps shown below:

usgflex200hp> edit running
usgflex200hp running config# poe port p2 enabled true
usgflex200hp running config# commit
Configuration committed.
usgflex200hp running config# copy running startup
Overwrite startup configuration? [y/N] y

The Web-GUI will show that the POE function is enabled.