NAS326 Slow Ethernet Transfers after Win 11 Upgrade

roartiz Posts: 3  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector

I did a clean install the other day to take me from Windows 10 up to Windows 11 and ever since, my transfer speeds to my NAS326 have been substantially slower (around 17MB/s tops). Previously I would get speeds of at least 80-100 MB/s, so transferring files from my PC to the NAS is taking easily 4x longer compared to before.

Nothing has changed with my PC or network hardware, nor the configuration. I have tried swapping cables as well. The NAS and my PC are both connected via ethernet directly to my router, and the NAS has a static IP address with its adapter showing "1000 Mbps, full-duplex". I'm on a 1000Mbps internet connection and the NAS is mapped via Windows File Explorer. I'm using up to date drivers for ethernet on my PC and the NAS firmware is current.

I have noticed that, while transferring, the NAS CPU is pinned at 100%. I'm not sure if this was ever the case before because I can't say that I looked, but I think that may be worth mentioning.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,864  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Nothing has changed with my PC

    A new OS is categorized as nothing? I can say you nothing has changed with the NAS, so you should really look at the PC.

    the NAS CPU is pinned at 100%.

    I wonder if your new OS forces encrypted data transfer. Encryption is expensive, and it wouldn't surprise me if encrypting 17MB/sec maxes out the CPU. Maybe this can help?

  • roartiz
    roartiz Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Sorry, I meant nothing has changed about my PC's hardware as I'm sure you deduced after my mention of the Windows upgrade.

    I tried following that guide previously and it looks like it wasn't affecting the speeds, as nothing changed when I disabled the encryption. I'm really stumped here!

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