Device error, Wrong CLI command, device timeout or device logout.


All Replies

  • scha
    scha Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment Second Anniversary

    same problem with FLEX 200

  • BCC
    BCC Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Zyxel is working to resolve, for the most recent update check here:

  • GiuseppeR
    GiuseppeR Posts: 323  Master Member
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula First Comment Friend Collector
    edited January 24

    Hello everyone, like @BCC said this is an official status for the problem:

    At the moment there is NO remote solution, only on premise.

  • Zyxel_CSO
    Zyxel_CSO Posts: 445  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Eighth Anniversary

    Hi everyone,

    We are regret this issue happens and any inconvenance we caused.

    This issue is due to the Application Patrol signature issue.

    Please reference this FAQ to resolve this issue:

    Recovery Steps for USG FLEX/ATP Series Application Patrol Signature Issue (Jan. 2025) — Zyxel Community

    Zyxel Nebula Support

  • BCC
    BCC Posts: 12  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    @Zyxel_CSO thank you for the update article.
    Since the FTP is actually functional on affected devices (see the image), can't we just upload the new firmware onto the affected device? If yes, what folder should that be?

    FTP firmware upload would be a lifesaver as we can't imagine doing this physically on devices located far away from us.

    Martin Brys

  • Michael_I
    Michael_I Posts: 46  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    When Automatik daily firmware update is activated, will it get the new Firmware or is the console sulution still needed.

  • Zyxel_Tobias
    Zyxel_Tobias Posts: 208  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    The issue can´t be fixed by FTP.

    Automatic Daily firmware will NOT fix the issue if you are affected, then console firmware is required. If you are NOT affected, no action needed.

  • Vagabound
    Vagabound Posts: 45  Freshman Member
    First Answer First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    If it can no longer be repaired automatically, my USG Flex 200 is now a piece of electronic scrap, great! 😠

  • Zyxel_Vic
    Zyxel_Vic Posts: 283  Zyxel Employee
    25 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited January 25

    To All users affected by the signature incident

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced due to the recent issues related to the App patrol signature. We understand how disruptive this can be, and we deeply regret any negative impact it may have had on your experience.

    We are actively working to resolve the situation, and we appreciate your patience as we address the issue. In the meantime, we have prepared a self-help SOP that should assist you in mitigating the problem. You can find the step-by-step guide at the following link:

    We hope this guide will help you resolve the issue quickly and minimize any further disruptions. If you continue to encounter difficulties or need additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at with your region(country), model information (S/N) and contact info. We'd like to have contact with you to assist and resolve the issue caused by the signature incident.

    Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

  • Philippe_Wetzels
    Philippe_Wetzels Posts: 1  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Same Issue here, with 2x Flex100 and Flex200:

    • no VPN working
    • no access to web Interface : Gateway Timeout
    • automatic restart
    • no access via SSH:

    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied

        0x100f1310      argc:2  args:stop
        0x104efb10      argc:2  args:regen-ap-config
        0x10274938      argc:2  args:stop
        0x100118c0      argc:1  args:
        0x10021790      argc:2  args:stop
        0x100114b0      argc:1  args:
        0x1030ee00      argc:2  args:stop
        0x10010e68      argc:1  args:
        0x100114b0      argc:1  args:
        0x10379f70      argc:3  args:upgrade successly
        0x101815f8      argc:1  args:
        0x103d0878      argc:3  args:eth1 from-kernel
        0x1006c978      argc:4  args:show interface wan1
        0x1007d0a0      argc:4  args:show interface _type
        0x100116d8      argc:2  args:exit
        0x100118c0      argc:1  args:
        0x102490e0      argc:5  args:show rip interface wan1
        0x100116d8      argc:2  args:exit
        0x100118c0      argc:1  args:
        0x10078a90      argc:3  args:eth2 up
        0x10011840      argc:2  args:running-config
        0x1030dd10      argc:1  args:
        0x10010e68      argc:1  args:
        0x100114b0      argc:1  args:
        0x100116d8      argc:2  args:exit
        0x100118c0      argc:1  args:
        0x10010e68      argc:1  args:
        0x100114b0      argc:1  args:
        0x100116d8      argc:2  args:exit
        0x100118c0      argc:1  args:
        0x103d0878      argc:3  args:eth2 from-kernel
        0x1002d420      argc:2  args:entries

    sh: line 1: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    sh: line 1: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    sh: line 1: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    sh: line 1: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    sh: line 1: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
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    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
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    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
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    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
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    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
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    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 33: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
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    /usr/sbin/ line 43: /etc/zyxel/ftp/tmp/zyshd_bt/2025-01-24-09-09-38_zyshd.dbg: Permission denied
    Bad terminal type: "xterm". Will assume vt100.