How to load the drives of NAS325 into NAS326?

GaryHsu Posts: 1  Freshman Member
edited June 2018 in Personal Cloud Storage
I had a NAS325 but got no work last week. Then I buy one new NAS326 (since NAS325 is EOL) and move the drives from NAS325 to NAS326. But NAS326 can not recognize the drives, how can I do for this case?
And I also can not connect to NAS326 through web, is it normal? (I can see the NAS326 by NAS starter utility but nothing can do further.)


All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    But NAS326 can not recognize the drives, how can I do for this case?

    Unfortunately the disk layout of firmware 4 and lower is no longer supported/recognized by firmware 5 devices.

    If you had a raid1 array, it's possible to do a poor man's conversion. Put one disk in the 326, and create a single disk raid1 volume. Then plugin the second disk, enable the ssh daemon, login over ssh, and assemble the (degraded) array on the second disk manually, and mount it. Then copy the contents of the old volume to the new volume. And finally add the 2nd disk to the new volume.

    This involves copying all your data twice, and so it's time consuming.


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