NSA325: Trouble installing MetaRepository


All Replies

  • kteach
    kteach Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    edited August 2020
    For reference I did a few quick speed tests before and after installing Samba 3.6.x. There is a slow down when using the newer version, but I would way rather have the improved security! Also, I don't have to keep enabling SMB 1.0 on all the families Windows 10 boxes!

    Built-in Samba Speed

    After installing Samba 3.6.x

    Again, I am only sharing for information. I am incredibly thankful for your work and that I was able to upgrade to the latest version of Samba on this older NAS. Thanks you so much!!
  • Constantin
    Constantin Posts: 3  Freshman Member

    When I try to install Entware on Zyxel NSA325, in logs appears some errors:
     --07:34:20--  http://downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org/Users/Entware-ng/binaries/armv5/installer/ld-2.22.so-2.6.24
    [07:34:21]     => `/opt/lib/ld-2.22.so'
    [07:34:21]     Resolving downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org... failed: Host not found.
    [07:34:21]     --07:34:21--  http://downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org/Users/Entware-ng/binaries/armv5/installer/libc-2.22.so-2.6.24
    [07:34:21]     => `/opt/lib/libc-2.22.so'
    <pre><code>[07:34:21]     Resolving downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org... failed: Host not found.
    [07:34:21]     Info: Basic packages installation...
    [07:34:21]     /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/Entware-ng: line 596: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
    [07:34:21]     /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/Entware-ng: line 596: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
    [07:34:21]     /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/Entware-ng: line 596: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
    [07:34:21]     /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/Entware-ng: line 596: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
    [07:34:21]     /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/Entware-ng: line 596: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
    [07:34:21]     /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/Entware-ng: line 596: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
    [07:34:21]     /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/Entware-ng: line 596: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
    [07:34:21]     /opt/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive: No such file or directory
    [07:34:21]     Info: Congratulations!
    Also, link http://pogoplug.bplaced.net/zyxelforum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16 not working, server is down.

    Can You to tell me where to download the libraryes 'ld-2.22.so-2.6.24' and 'libc-2.22.so-2.6.24' (alternative location or Linux disto, etc.).

    Thanks in advance!
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,877  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Did you use the latest version of MetaRepository? Nas-central.org is down for some time now, and MetaRepository now has a trick to exchange the url by zyxel.diskstation.eu.

  • Constantin
    Constantin Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    Thank you for your response, Mr. Mijself!

    Finally, I formatted my hard disks on my Zyxel NSA 325. After this, installation of samba-replacement works 100% ok, like in your tutorial. (Old installation of meta-repository (2014?) has interfered with the new one, I think).

    I copied some information on my NAS, a couple of days everything has been ok (shared info's accessed without problems from Windows 10). But now, I do not kwon why, NSA 325 deny any connection over Samba (shares are not visible, but NSA still be accessed over http or ssh), or Windows 7 and Windows 10 deny all connections to this device, and returns 0x80070035.
    Windows firewall enabled or disabled, this does not matters.

    Simultaneous, all my PC's works fine with another NAS (Qnap).

    Do you have any suggestion for me?

    Thank you!
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,877  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    When W7 denies to connect, it's not a SMB1 issue, as W7 supports that. So I think either Samba isn't running at all, or it has something to do with DNS. Have you checked if smbd and nmbd are actually running? Have you rebooted the NAS?
    About DNS, can you connect using IP address?
  • Constantin
    Constantin Posts: 3  Freshman Member

    Samba version appears to be 3.6.25 (smbd -V).
    I've restarted samba (samba restart), also the NSA.
    In /var/log/samba/log.smbd,   smbd appears to be started, no errors there.

    I try to access NSA with IP address: Windows button > Run > \\192.x.y.z, or mapped into Windows explorer. Also, trying to access NSA with DNS name, the same error returned.

    NSA is replaying to ping, but share are inaccessible.

    Can I install Linux on device? Is there any possibilities?

    Thank you!
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,877  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    You can see if smbd/nmbd runs by executing
    which shows all running processes, or
    netstat -tulp
    which shows all listening ports (UDP and TCP) and the process (name) which has it open.

    Can I install Linux on device?
    The device is running Linux, but I suppose you mean a more common distro? Yes, that is possible, you can install Debian (link) or Arch (link).
  • Nont
    Nont Posts: 1
    Hi Mijzelf,

    I've follow the instruction, but the opkg seem not work.
    This is log from management web when i did the Entware installation.

        Starting up
    Flushing done
    [13:33:22] Create symlink /opt -> /usr/local/zy-pkgs/opt
    [13:33:22] /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung is not available, start installer
    [13:33:22]     Info: Opkg package manager deployment...
    [13:33:22]     --13:33:22--  http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/armv5/installer/opkg
    [13:33:22]     => `/opt/bin/opkg'
    [13:33:22]     Resolving pkg.entware.net...,,
    [13:33:22]     Connecting to pkg.entware.net[]:80... connected.
    [13:33:53]     HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 522 Origin Connection Time-out
    [13:33:53]     13:33:53 ERROR 522: Origin Connection Time-out.
    [13:33:53]     --13:33:53--  http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/armv5/installer/opkg.conf
    [13:33:53]     => `/opt/etc/opkg.conf'
    [13:33:53]     Resolving pkg.entware.net...,,
    [13:33:53]     Connecting to pkg.entware.net[]:80... connected.
    [13:34:24]     HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 522 Origin Connection Time-out
    [13:34:24]     13:34:24 ERROR 522: Origin Connection Time-out.
    [13:34:24]     --13:34:24--  http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/armv5/installer/libgcc_s.so.1
    [13:34:24]     => `/opt/lib/libgcc_s.so.1'
    [13:34:24]     Resolving pkg.entware.net...,,
    [13:34:24]     Connecting to pkg.entware.net[]:80... connected.
    [13:34:55]     HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 522 Origin Connection Time-out
    [13:34:55]     13:34:55 ERROR 522: Origin Connection Time-out.
    [13:34:55]     --13:34:55--  http://downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org/Users/Entware-ng/binaries/armv5/installer/ld-2.22.so-2.6.24
    [13:34:55]     => `/opt/lib/ld-2.22.so'
    [13:34:55]     Resolving downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org... failed: Host not found.
    [13:34:55]     --13:34:55--  http://downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org/Users/Entware-ng/binaries/armv5/installer/libc-2.22.so-2.6.24
    [13:34:55]     => `/opt/lib/libc-2.22.so'
    [13:34:55]     Resolving downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org... failed: Host not found.
    [13:34:55]     Info: Basic packages installation...
    [13:34:55]     /opt/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive: No such file or directory
    [13:34:55]     Info: Congratulations!
    [13:34:55]     Info: If there are no errors above then Entware-ng was successfully initialized.
    [13:34:55]     Info: Found a Bug? Please report at https://github.com/Entware-ng/Entware-ng/issues
    [13:34:55] Execute /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung start
    [13:34:55]     /usr/local/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/Entware-ng: line 596: /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung: not found
    [13:34:55] Done /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung start

    And this is what happened when I tried to run the command
    Basically no error, but nothing happen

    /usr/local/zy-pkgs/opt/bin # ls -al
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Dec 27 13:33 .
    drwxr-xr-x   10 root     root          4096 Dec 27 13:33 ..
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root             0 Dec 27 13:33 opkg
    /usr/local/zy-pkgs/opt/bin # /opt/bin/opkg
    /usr/local/zy-pkgs/opt/bin # /opt/bin/opkg update
    /usr/local/zy-pkgs/opt/bin #

    Please kindly suggest.

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,877  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Don't know exactly what is going wrong here. http://pkg.entware.net/binaries/armv5/installer/opkg gives a timeout. But when I try it here, it works fine.
    Further the install script tries to download http://downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org/Users/Entware-ng/binaries/armv5/installer/ld-2.22.so-2.6.24. That domain doesn't exist anymore, and MetaRepository should have exchanged it with zyxel.diskstation.eu. But the path /Users/Entware-ng/ has never existed on downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org, so I don't know where this URL comes from.

  • Entenman
    Entenman Posts: 2
    First Comment
    edited February 2021
    Same issue as Constantin wrote:

    Samba version appears to be 3.6.25 (smbd -V).
    I've restarted samba (samba restart), also the NSA.
    In /var/log/samba/log.smbd,   smbd appears to be started, no errors there.

    I try to access NSA with IP address: Windows button > Run > \\192.x.y.z, or mapped into Windows explorer. Also, trying to access NSA with DNS name, the same error returned.

    NSA is replaying to ping, but share are inaccessible.
    Found the solution here: https://zyxel.diskstation.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24&start=20

    "I've deleted both smbd- and nmbd-ZyXELSambaReplacement.conf.pid from /opt/var/run/, restarted the service and viola - it works again!"

    Big THX to Mijzelf for his great work. Keep on like that!
    Also big THX to loverman310 for solving the issue that samba doesn't restart on hard reboot.

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