Pairing NAS542 with myZyXELcloud fails


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  • Nebulus
    Nebulus Posts: 9  Freshman Member
    I changed my settings like this:

    Pairing worked!

    I am able to access my NAS with ZyXEL zCloud and ZyXEL Drive app using my mobile phone from the internet. Somehow ftp application doesn't work anymore. It says that password is incorrect. I think this is due to the reset I did earlier (see above posts). I had the same problem with ZyXEL app which you can find from the systems icons in task bar.

    Also I am able to connect my NAS's control panel from the office.
  • Nebulus
    Nebulus Posts: 9  Freshman Member
    Could you explain or give link where it is explained what  happens when I set DNS server as ? Where did you get that IP address?
  • lodiabai
    lodiabai Posts: 120  Ally Member is Google Public DNS, you can search this information on Internet.
    In this case, you set NAS542's DNS direction is itself (, but it is not DNS server.
    Normally, this option is set auto or direction to your modem/router LAN IP or some public DNS server.

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