Running setup NSA210

MikeP Posts: 6  Freshman Member
edited November 2019 in Personal Cloud Storage
I am trying to set up an NSA210 that was given to me new a few years ago but I haven'y got round to doing anything with it until now. I have unboxed it and plugged in all the relevant cables along with a new HDD (Seagate Barracuda) and have put in the supplied disk. I can get so far along with the setup but a) it eventually tells me that the firmware is invalid and b) there is no disk (in spite of the fact that the HDD light is on the front. The firmware that it shows is v4.10(AFD.0).
I'm not a computer expert so any help in fairly plain language would help, please.


All Replies

  • Penny
    Penny Posts: 65  Ally Member
    Checked official FTP, the latest firmware of NSA221 is V4.41(AFD.0)C0.

    If you put a new HDD into NSA210, you need to create a volume in the system.
    You can refer to user's guide on chapter 4.2. You can find it in this attachment.
  • MikeP
    MikeP Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    Thank you, Penny. I'll try this - or, rather, I'll get someone who knows what he's doing to try it. However, many thanks for your help.
  • MikeP
    MikeP Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    In addition, when I go to the firmware link, I get three files and I'm not sure what to do from there...
  • Penny
    Penny Posts: 65  Ally Member
  • MikeP
    MikeP Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    Thank you. I will investigate.
  • MikeP
    MikeP Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    I'm still getting "Invalid firmware". Is it Windows 10 and an unsupported product?
  • Penny
    Penny Posts: 65  Ally Member
    Has any screenshots?
    Can you share your steps?
  • MikeP
    MikeP Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    Thanks. I'll get back on this one when I can get some help.

  • Malcolm_Sharon21
    Malcolm_Sharon21 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    Hi I also have the same issue and wondered if Penny can help me. I am running Windows 10 trying to get a 1 TB single partition and formatted drive to work.
    I keep on gettin the same "Invalid firmware" message at 30 % I have tried to screen shot the message but it seems as though the print screen option won't work. Assistance would be appreciated please
    thanks in advamce

  • If you can, try to install under Windows XP.Then you will find it on the network I even got stuck under Win7, I ran the installation under XP. Good luck!

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