[Nebula] What to do if the AP is offline?

Zyxel_Joslyn Posts: 360  Zyxel Employee
Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers Friend Collector First Comment
edited November 2022 in Other Topics

If the AP is registered and added to the site but keeps showing offline on Nebula.

The LED status is flashing in Yellow/Green status after connecting it to the network.


1.      The AP gets IP from DHCP server by default, ensure that the AP gets IP address successfully. The ZON utility provides user to scan and check the Zyxel devices status.

How to use ZON to configure Zyxel device basic setting?

2.      Check Nebula connection status on AP’s local GUI. If the AP is not online on Nebula yet and running is standalone mode. You have to enter default account: admin, password: 1234 to login local GUI.

You can find Nebula Control Center Status at CONFIGURATION > Network > NCC Discovery. 

Internet - “NTP update succeeded” means there’s no problem with your LAN & Internet. Otherwise, please check your local network.

Nebula Connectivity - “This access point is connected to the Nebula” means the AP connects to Nebula successfully. Otherwise, the AP call-home (to Nebula) connection is somehow not successful.

3.      If the AP running in cloud mode but went offline on Nebula.

You have to access local GUI by entering account: admin, password is on Nebula Site-wide > Configure > General settings.

In most cases, it’s the TCP/UDP port being blocked by your local firewall or your ISP. This list is intended to help guide you in creating firewall rules for Nebula, please check your firewall or ISP if they’re blocking them. We suggest replacing your AP's first DNS setting with the static IP address ""

If the AP is still offline after above information confirmed, please collect Diagnostics at MAINTENANCE page for Zyxel support.

Enable Help > Support request, and create a new case. Please ensure the "Invite Zyxel support as administrator" is on before creating the case.


Further Checking:

How to check the Cloud Control Status when AP is offline on Nebula?