NAS326 data corruption


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  • MarkusDesk
    MarkusDesk Posts: 31  Freshman Member
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    edited March 2021

    The problem is present since 2016!! When I bought the NAS326, I started to make backups to it and I only found the problem last year when I tried to restore a backup and found it was corrupt!! So the problem is there since the release. I think most people don't see the problem because NAS326 silently corrupts the data and you will only find it when you need your data! So, I am sure it is a design flaw.

    The easiest way to reproduce the problem is copying a huge file, like I mentioned in an earlier post, but it also happens randomly with smaller files.

    As you can see you can still buy the NAS326:

  • MarkusDesk
    MarkusDesk Posts: 31  Freshman Member
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    Hi Mijzelf,

    I was able to install Debian and you are right, the samba performance is worse... Maximum speed I got is 30-40MB/s without tuning and 50-60MB/s with tuning, while the factory firmware speed is about 100MB/s. But with Debian there is no data corruption at all!!
    If we could get at least 90MB/s with Debian, we could discard the factory firmware!!


  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
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    If we could get at least 90MB/s with Debian, we could discard the factory firmware!!

    Don't held your breath. Smart guys have been struggling for years to get samba as fast as possible, while keeping it stable and safe.

  • Maybe don't know what I'm talking about but:
    What about this page and the newest firmware update or at least a pending update..?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
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    @spaceman75 : In relation to the Samba bug/throughput? I don't think that update does anything with Samba, just patches a bug in the webinterface login.
  • tpolakov
    tpolakov Posts: 2  Freshman Member
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    I seem to have a similar issue with several video files - a small random part of the file contains zeroes. The local file on my PC is OK>
    This has happened to several files - but for me, it appears the initial transfer could have been OK - as they were playable from NAS some time ago. They seem to have been corrupted during storage - which is even more frightening. They are all less than 1GB in size. The NAS326 is still readily available here in Slovakia from multiple retailers, although the warranty on mine has run out a year ago.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,880  Guru Member
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    tpolakov said:
    They seem to have been corrupted during storage - which is even more frightening.
    Are you sure they are corrupted on disk, or could it be that they are corrupted on their way back to your PC? If you don't know you can calculate a md5sum on the NAS in a ssh shell, and one on the same file when transferred.
    Did you play the file over Samba, or maybe over DLNA?
  • Jan 2023 Problem confirmed.

    Model Name: NAS326
    Current firmware version: V5.21(AAZF.12) (latest)

    Bought this device a few days ago. Connected through samba and copied about 2TB of video files to NAS (aprox. 6000 files up to 100 GB files, but mostly 200MB-3GB).

    Then found this thread and decided to verify files with WinMerge (in binary compare mode). Result: 6 files are corrupted (mostly 350MB-1GB, one 8GB). Examined file binaries and corrupted data looks like 10-12 bytes of zero's (see picture). Just like tpolakov said above.

    Such bug is absolutely unacceptable for a storage.

  • ikubuf
    ikubuf Posts: 143  Ally Member
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    I've uploaded 500GB of video files, and all of them are below 200MB in size.
    Not sure if only larger files are affected by this issue. But I do not meet the case.
    Do all the video files have the same file extensions in the same folder?
    If you upload a file through the NAS web GUI, does the corruption persist?

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