NAS326 unable copy/move/delete folder or file after last firmware update



  • Posts: 29  Freshman Member
    edited August 2018
    Yes, I have that Nas326 and yes have exactly the same problem :(
    I am editing all my requirements via Pc for now. 
  • Posts: 29  Freshman Member
    Any news??? 
  • Posts: 1  Freshman Member
    Same problem here. Any news from Zyxel???

    Another think I'm wondering about is that why do you need to set up the "admin" user to have access to each harddrive even when the user is set as an administrator account.
    BTW... Had a pretty hard time finding all my files again because I didn't read the small text mentioning to backup my configuration. Luckily I had a few month old backup file to use.
  • Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    ZyXel told me end of September until I can use this garbage again. Let's see what problems these morons sneak in to the next update
  • Posts: 1  Freshman Member
     I have exactly the same problem  too...
  • Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    I just received my new NAS 326 today.  Turned it on.  Played with ita bit and then notice a firmware update option.  So I updated the firmware !!!

    Darn...  I am having the same problem -- cannot delete files from the file browser.  *** If there is this bug, why didn't they pull out this firmware for now?

    By the way, I can delete files using FTP client.
  • Posts: 21  Freshman Member
    First Comment Fifth Anniversary
    I've had issues as well
    1) the Twonky Media Server no longer works, It's there, allegedly on poor 9001, but you can't connect to it and looking at the TwonkyServer.INI file the HTTPPort=(nothing)..WOW
    2) getting frequent 'stalling' when accessing for file copies or access. Using GUI control Panel the widget shows CPU=100% for ages, even when just accessing any of the GUI desktop objects.  It does fall back to ~10% eventually, but can take a good 3-4 minutes for desktop & anything upto 15 minutes for remote copy.
    HAve tried reboots with no luck, wish I'd stayed 2 Firmware back when it was excellent and why I brought it in the first place.
    Can we roll back firmware versions safely?
  • Posts: 15  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    Another question on apps. I use Android (Samsung Note8). I set up Zyxel Drive app ok -- able to remotely access my NAS 326, see files but cannot delete files. But when I try to set up zCloud app, it keeps saying it cannot connect to NAS. Any idea?  What's the difference between the two apps anyway?
  • Posts: 29  Freshman Member
    Any news  :/
  • Posts: 1  Freshman Member
    Same problem:  is not possible to MOVE or DELETE files via FILEBROWSWER, and also the FTP AUTOUPLOAD do not process the queue anymore!


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