Unable to access NAS 540 WebUI even after reset
Posts: 2 Freshman Member
I have been unable to login to my NAS 540 for a while (a full year at least).
When trying to access WebUI I am redirected to:,/desktop,/index.html
here I just see the gradient background, no login form elements.
In the inspector console, the following errors are thrown:
index.html:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
index.html:44 Uncaught ReferenceError: modeFlag is not defined
at index.html:44
index.html:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
I didn't manage to find any immediate solutions online, so I attempted first soft reset (one beep) followed by full reset (two beeps + 5 seconds).
The issue remains, but now I no longer have access to my shares nor SSH.
I later found this: https://homeforum.zyxel.com/discussion/564/nas326-stuck-spin-on-desktop which I fear was a simple solution.
Restarting the NAS and removing the disks has not helped.
I hope someone can help with a solution or approach. The only one I see right now, is manually backing up the data and resetting wiping the disks.
Thank you
Accepted Solution
You shouldn't be redirected. Have you already cleared your cache, tried another browser, etc?When I login on my 520 by entering http://nas520.lan, it takes me to http://nas520.lan/r50984,/desktop,/login.html, and I can login.When I manually enter http://nas520.lan:5000/r50984,/desktop,/login.html, I get the same login page, but after logging in it takes me to an empty page http://nas520.lan:5000/r50984,/desktop,/.
All Replies
You shouldn't be redirected. Have you already cleared your cache, tried another browser, etc?When I login on my 520 by entering http://nas520.lan, it takes me to http://nas520.lan/r50984,/desktop,/login.html, and I can login.When I manually enter http://nas520.lan:5000/r50984,/desktop,/login.html, I get the same login page, but after logging in it takes me to an empty page http://nas520.lan:5000/r50984,/desktop,/.
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I feel very silly. I was sure I had tested in incognito, but accessing the IP (no port) in IE (which I rarely use) redirected me to the correct login page.
Thank you very much for the reply (and many others) as well as all your hard work Mijzelf!0
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