I have the NSA 325 V2 and placed raid1 on disk1 while disk2 had not yet a volume


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  • Carlusha99
    Carlusha99 Posts: 39  Freshman Member
    Hi Mijzelf,

    Unfortunately i don't have a freee external disc available right now. But i will purchase one this week as soon as possible. I will come back to you when it has arrived. Thank you for your help so far.

  • Carlusha99
    Carlusha99 Posts: 39  Freshman Member
    Mijzelf, I presume an USB 3.0. external HDD of 2TB would be well enough. Connected through USB connection of the NAS.

  • Carlusha99
    Carlusha99 Posts: 39  Freshman Member
    Hi Mijzelf, It is possible that I first time activated the NAS some where in 2017 with the old firmware.
    I cannot remember it well. But it is strange though that such deep-impacted update of firmware is not done before the first activation of the NAS.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
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    A 2TB USB3 disk is fine.

    I don't think you should expect too much about the carefulness of the firmware updates of ZyXEL.
    Having said that, according to this directory the last firmware, 4.81, is from 2016, and had a bugfix update in 2017.
    A change like this is not in a bugfix, unless it actually fixes some problem. Version 0.9 has a maximum disk size of 2TB. So I guess the change can be found in the release notes, where disks >2TB are supported.
  • Carlusha99
    Carlusha99 Posts: 39  Freshman Member
    Hello Mijzelf, I have connected the 2TB external drive to the NAS as external volume.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    OK, powerup the NAS without the external disk plugged in. When it's up, plugin the disk. Assuming you have 2 internal disks, the external disk should be sdc.
    You can check that with
    <div>cat /proc/partitions</div><div></div>
    The size shown in is kb.

    Make sure it is not mounted. In that case it will be in /e-data/. I think it can be unmounted from the webinterface. (How could you else safely remove the disk?)

    Then copy the contents of /dev/sda2 to /dev/sdc
    <div>dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdc bs=16M</div><div></div>
    dd is the universal copy tool. if is input file, of is output file, bs is blocksize. Make sure that if and of are right before hitting enter. dd will happily overwrite everything you set as of.

    This will take some time. (+/- 50MB/sec, do the math).
    After that you can run
    and disconnect the disk.

    If you reconnect it, it should not mount. (And if it does, voilá, your files). Try running e2fsck:
    e2fsck -f /dev/sdc

  • Carlusha99
    Carlusha99 Posts: 39  Freshman Member
    Hello Mijzelf,

    After more than 8 hours the copy-process has ended.

    59585+1 records in
    59585+1 records out
    999675855360 bytes (931.0GB) copied, 29220.648631 seconds, 32.6MB/s

    You mentioned i should first disconnect it from the NAS and then reconnect it.
    I presume you meant the external drive.

    After reconnection it should not mount. i should use e2fsck.new -f /dev/sdc to check.
    But if it does my files will be visible.

    Can you confirm the process?

    Best Regards


  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,886  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Yes. dis- and reconnecting is not really necessary, but it doesn't cost anything, and gives the firmware a chance to mount the disk. If mountable.
  • Carlusha99
    Carlusha99 Posts: 39  Freshman Member
    I reconnected the external hdd to the NAS, but it is not recognized as a external volume.

  • Carlusha99
    Carlusha99 Posts: 39  Freshman Member
    so it seems not mountable.

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