Multiple WiFi detected

wtfisthis Posts: 2
edited September 2021 in Multy WiFi System
I recently got a Zyxel X AC3000.
While trying to set it up I get the error message "Multiple WiFi detected" after logging into the WiFi network with the copy&pasted password. I also already tried resetting my network configuration without success. I can just tell my _all_ my neighbors to disable their wifi while I set up mine. There are 2 forum posts about this already, but none really give an answer on how to fix the problem.

Accepted Solution

  • wtfisthis
    wtfisthis Posts: 2
    Answer ✓
    I already called your customer service and was able to resolve the problem.
    It was most likely caused because it was set up once before and it was the first device I connected.
    If anyone else has this problem:
    - Uninstall the app from your phone
    - Disconnect your LAN cable from the Multy X
    - Get something long and thin (like the pokey-thing you get to open your smart phones SIM card slot)
    - jam it in the hole for the reset button (please dont actually jam it in there, just press the button :P ) and hold the button pressed for ~5 secs.

    After this the Multy X should start blinking red for a while before it starts blinking white.
    Plug your LAN cable back in, download the app and go through the setup again.
    I don't know if every step really is necessary, but this did finally work for me.

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Jerry
    Zyxel_Jerry Posts: 1,331  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 50 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @wtfisthis

    Could you help to provide us the wifi analyzer result in your environment?

    Please send us the feedback on the Multy APP.

  • wtfisthis
    wtfisthis Posts: 2
    Answer ✓
    I already called your customer service and was able to resolve the problem.
    It was most likely caused because it was set up once before and it was the first device I connected.
    If anyone else has this problem:
    - Uninstall the app from your phone
    - Disconnect your LAN cable from the Multy X
    - Get something long and thin (like the pokey-thing you get to open your smart phones SIM card slot)
    - jam it in the hole for the reset button (please dont actually jam it in there, just press the button :P ) and hold the button pressed for ~5 secs.

    After this the Multy X should start blinking red for a while before it starts blinking white.
    Plug your LAN cable back in, download the app and go through the setup again.
    I don't know if every step really is necessary, but this did finally work for me.

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