NAS542: How do I establish serial connection?


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  • bugblatterbeast
    bugblatterbeast Posts: 30  Freshman Member
    Mmmh, the format of the last post went wrong again... is it maybe possible that a code block must not end with a zero???

    Code block that ends with the number0
    Text after the code block.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,888  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    So openmediavault kills the network if you change the hostname? Nice.

    I can't find any event that might be causing it.
    This is Debian, right? In the firmware this is normal, the end of the startup script does a beep, so you know it's up. Maybe the developer mimicked this for Debian?
    I suppose the binary buzzerc is copied to be able to use the buzzer. It's quite easy to find out if and how it's used. Rename it to buzzerc.old, and then create a new, executable script named buzzerc:



            local self=${1}
            [ "${self}" = "1" ] && return # init
            [ ! -d "/proc/${self}/fd" ] && return # parent doesn't exist anymore
            local ppid=$( grep PPid /proc/${self}/status | awk '{print $2}' )
            local cmdline=$( cat /proc/${self}/cmdline | tr '\0' ' ' )
            StackTrace ${ppid}
            echo "${prefix}${self}: ${cmdline}" >>${logfile}
            prefix="  ${prefix}"

    date >>${logfile}
    StackTrace $$

    exec ${0}.old "$@"

    This way each call to buzzerc will be logged, complete with a caller stack.

  • bugblatterbeast
    bugblatterbeast Posts: 30  Freshman Member
    Mijzelf said:

    This is Debian, right? In the firmware this is normal, the end of the startup script does a beep, so you know it's up. Maybe the developer mimicked this for Debian?
    You're right, it's just that. Thanks for the hint.

    1510: /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/zy-ready 
      1520: /bin/sh /sbin/buzzerc -t 1 

  • bugblatterbeast
    bugblatterbeast Posts: 30  Freshman Member


    most obvious


    disconnecting the fan will cause the stock os to beeb constantly


    don't miss those


    remove the larger part of the case by pushing it carefully to the front


    remove these


    and the same on the other side


    you could reach the pins from here


    I've changed the pins of a frontpanel-usb-to-mainboard-connector (it has mass-shielding - not that it would really matter at that transmission rate rate but still)


    luckily the heatsink was connected with pads instead of paste so it was safe to remove an re-attach it

    I forgot to make a picture showing the five screws that hold the heat-sink but I'm that sure that nobody will have a problem finding those.

    The cable fits nicely under the heatsink. I've re-assembled the device and left the cable attached. That way I have it available whenever I need it.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,888  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Nice. I have 1 comment, according to your photos you used a 4 wire serial connection. Plain serial is 3 wire, GND, RX and TX. The 3.3V is a reference voltage, and is meant to either power the rs232 to TTL convertor, or supply a reference voltage for a multi voltage chip. As both cases are rare, it's better just to not connect it, it can only cause trouble.
  • bugblatterbeast
    bugblatterbeast Posts: 30  Freshman Member
    Mijzelf said:
    Nice. I have 1 comment, according to your photos you used a 4 wire serial connection. Plain serial is 3 wire, GND, RX and TX. The 3.3V is a reference voltage, and is meant to either power the rs232 to TTL convertor, or supply a reference voltage for a multi voltage chip. As both cases are rare, it's better just to not connect it, it can only cause trouble.
    You're absolutely right. I forgot to mention that. I've planned on using it, but I didn't get a good result when I connected the reference voltage.

    I also noticed that I've uploaded same picture for 5 and 6 though I made different ones. But I guess nobody will have any difficulties spotting that screws.
  • bugblatterbeast
    bugblatterbeast Posts: 30  Freshman Member
    One more thing off topic: I wanted to try it and I'm gonna keep using it for now, but I'm not so sure whether I like OMV. I mean it sure is convenient and I guess it is a big help for lots of people but I'm used to have full control over my OS. Do you by chance know if there's a pure minimal debian image for NAS542?

    Best regards
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,888  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Not that I'm aware of. But doesn't 'apt remove omv' do the trick? And else I think you can make your own with a cdebootstrap, combined with the specific deb files.
  • bugblatterbeast
    bugblatterbeast Posts: 30  Freshman Member
    Mijzelf said:
    Not that I'm aware of. But doesn't 'apt remove omv' do the trick?
    It probably would. But I don't know how many adjustments are made and I'd prefer a fresh start.

    Mijzelf said:
    And else I think you can make your own with a cdebootstrap, combined with the specific deb files.
    Sounds like an interesting challenge. If I get tired of OMV I might give that a try... but not this year anymore. 

    Is there a way to select an answer as solution when you previously chose "no"? I'd like to select this post as solution because it answers the question of the post's title.

    Enjoy the holidays, everyone!
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,888  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Is there a way to select an answer as solution when you previously chose "no"?
    It should be possible, as I have seen threads where a solution was selected days after the last comment. But be careful, this &#$@ forum software will put that post as second in the thread, without any marking where it was located originally. So the post can loose it's context.

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