Question about setup GS1200-8HP v2 with NWA50AX behind a FRITZ!Box 7590

phelan Posts: 4
edited May 2024 in Wireless
Native language: German / Question in German below.

Hello all,
please excuse my english.

I have been a satisfied user of the GS1200 desktop switches for many months. Now I am at a point where I need help before I buy more components.

Situation / Introduction: 
There is a FRITZ!Box 7590, which realizes the access to the internet. The router has been connected to the guest network via LAN 4. I want to pass the guest network to an AccessPoint, which should also provide the wireless home network. On the Fritz!Box WiFi is deactivated - I want it to be provided by zyxel components.

The Fritz!Box should provide the DHCP for both networks. Each zyxel component should get a fixed IP address (or two?).

As far as I understand it, I have to go with the LAN 4 (guest network) and LAN 3 (home network) to the switch GS1200-8HP v2 port 7 and 8. The POE port 1 and 2 will be connected to one NWA50AX each.

Now come the questions:
- How do I set up the access points so that they establish a mesh WiFi for the home network and the guest network?
- What must be set on the POE switch so that the access points establish the two wireless networks?
- Is the switch assigned two IP addresses?
- Are the access points assigned two IP addresses each?

I hope you can help me.
Thanks a lot in advance.

== German ==

Frage zur Einrichtung GS1200-8HP v2 mit NWA50AX hinter einer FRITZ!Box 7590

Hallo zusammen,

seit vielen Monaten bin ich zufriedener Nutzer der Desktop Switches GS1200. Nun bin in an einem Punkt angekommen wo ich Hilfe benötige, bevor ich mir weitere Komponenten kaufe.

Situation / Vorstellung: 
Es existiert eine FRITZ!Box 7590, welche den Zugang zum Internet realisiert. Der Router hat über LAN 4 das Gastnetz aufgeschaltet bekommen. Ich möchte das Gastnetz an einen AccessPoint weiterreichen, welcher zusätzlich auch das Wireless Heimnetz bereitstellen soll. An der Fritz!Box ist WiFi deaktiviert - ich möchte es durch zyxel Komponenten bereitgestellt bekommen.

Die Fritz!Box soll für beide Netze den DHCP stellen. Jede zyxel Komponente soll eine feste IP Adresse bekommen (oder zwei?).

Soweit ich es verstanden habe muss ich mit dem LAN 4 (Gastnetz) und LAN 3 (Heimnetz) an den Switch GS1200-8HPv2 Port 7 und 8 gehen. Der POE Port 1 und 2 wird mit jeweils einem NWA50AX verbunden.

Nun kommen die Fragen:
- Wie muss ich die AccessPoints einrichten, damit Sie ein mesh WiFi für das Heimnetz und das Gastnetz aufbauen?
- Was muss am POE Switch eingestellt werden, damit die Accesspoints die beiden Funknetze aufbauen?
- Bekommt der Switch zwei IP Adressen zugewiesen?
- Bekommen die AccessPoints jeweils zwei IP Adressen zugewiesen?

Ich hoffe Ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen.
Vielen Dank vorab.

Accepted Solution

  • Zyxel_Richard
    Zyxel_Richard Posts: 254  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security
    Answer ✓

    Glad to hear you found your own way for setting up those devices.

    The first instruction is the tutorial for most our Zyxel generic switch's GUI setting.

    I've put another tutorial with GS1200-8HPv2 GUI and setup guide. Please refer to this document if you want to check/test anything in the future.

    (Share the document here, which will also benefit for other community members)

    Best Regards,

All Replies

  • Zyxel_CSO
    Zyxel_CSO Posts: 447  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Eighth Anniversary
    edited February 2022
    Hello Sir,

    After clarifying your requirement, let me introduce the process to reach your goals

    Below is the initial topology:

    1. Connect all devices like the topology above
    > The point is don't connect LAN4 to the switch, and make sure LAN3/LAN4 provides different subnet
    > You can access your router to check which IP address each Switch/AP gets, or use ZON utility to scan our Zyxel devices 

    2. Access AP's GUI

    2.1 > Create two SSIDs with different VLANs in the [Configuration > AP Management] Page

    > Home SSID with VLAN100
    > Guest SSID with VLAN200

    (The picture below uses VLAN200 for example)

    2.2 > Go to [Configuration > Interface > VLAN] Page, set Management VLAN to 100, and disable the "as native VLAN" setting. 

    3. Access to switch, and complete the detail VLAN settings below:

    3.1 > Create VLAN100 and 200 in the VLAN page

    3.2 > Go to [VLAN Port] Page, configure the VLAN port settings

    3.3 > Go to [port] Page, Configure Port 5, 7 and Port 8 with PVID 100 and 200
    > Please set port 8 first, and then set port 7, and then port5

    3.4 > After 3.3, please connect your laptop to Port 4 of the switch, and access the Switch's GUI again. Go to [Configure > System > IP], and set the Management VLAN to 100.

    3.5 > Unplug the PC from port 4, and connect the LAN4 to P8 of the Switch.
    (In the future, if you want to access switch, you can use P5 as the management port)

    With those settings, you can separate the guest/home network traffic on the wireless client.

    Go back to your questions:

    - Is the switch assigned two IP addresses?
    - Are the access points assigned two IP addresses each?
    > AP and Switch only get one IP address in the home network

    - How do I set up the access points so that they establish a mesh WiFi for the home network and the guest network?
    > Please refer to the documents below fro the mesh connection, but in your case, since both APs have the Ethernet, we recommended use Ethernet connection instead of the Mesh.

    Mesh setting in standalone mode:
    Mesh setting in Cloud mode:

    - What must be set on the POE switch so that the access points establish the two wireless networks?
    > Above process are the answer!

    Best Regards,
    Nebula Support

    Zyxel Nebula Support

  • phelan
    phelan Posts: 4

    after setting the Management VLAN to 100, there is no access to the AP's and the switch.
    The guest and home network is visible, but the end devices are not assigned an IP. 
    If I omit the step with "set Management VLAN to 100", I get an IP in the home network and can also use it to access the Internet.

    All devices run with the latest firmware.

    Have I set something wrong here or are there other differences between the shown product and the purchased one?

    Thank you in advance
  • Zyxel_Richard
    Zyxel_Richard Posts: 254  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security
    Hi Sir,

    Please check the private message box for the detail instruction for issue diagnostic, thank you.

    Best Regards
  • phelan
    phelan Posts: 4

    I have now tried a little more and am at the following state, which works.
    The AP's are set up according to instructions, with the difference that "as native VLAN" is enabled.

    With the switch I currently have access via port 4 (only with manual IP assignment).

    Surely there are still optimization possibilities here?

    Many thanks in advance

    Best regards
  • Zyxel_Richard
    Zyxel_Richard Posts: 254  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security
    Answer ✓

    Glad to hear you found your own way for setting up those devices.

    The first instruction is the tutorial for most our Zyxel generic switch's GUI setting.

    I've put another tutorial with GS1200-8HPv2 GUI and setup guide. Please refer to this document if you want to check/test anything in the future.

    (Share the document here, which will also benefit for other community members)

    Best Regards,