[NEBULA] Can i move the registered devices to the other Organization?

Nebz Posts: 10  Freshman Member
First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
edited April 2021 in Nebula
Actually I have tried and unable to add device to the other organization. The question is, how to remove the registered devices in order to add them to the other organization?


  • Nebula_Bayardo
    Nebula_Bayardo Posts: 179  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi Nebz, welcome to Nebula forum!
    There are two scenarios when moving your device to other Org.:
    • If both organizations are under the same Nebula Account, you need to remove the device from Site 1 first (AP > Monitor > Access Point / Switch > Monitor > Switch / Gateway > Monitor > Security Gateway), to later Unregister the device from Organization 1 in Organization > Inventory. Finally, you will be able to register the device in the Organization/Site 2
    • If Organization 2 belongs to another Nebula Account, please proceed to raise a support request providing the reasons of moving the device between accounts, and we will take care of the process.
  • Nebz
    Nebz Posts: 10  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment
    Hi Nebula_Bayardo,
    It's a very clear answer. Thanks for your support!
  • FrankIversen
    FrankIversen Posts: 92  Ally Member
    First Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment Ideas master
    i removed a NSG100 to a new orgaization, but the license that followed the device (1 year) did not follow the device, it still remains in the first organisation. how to fix this?
  • Zyxel_CSO
    Zyxel_CSO Posts: 407  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    edited June 2017

    In our current NCC design, the registered license of Nebula device will still remain in the first organization even though you move the device to another new org. Fortunately, we will enhance the feature that allows license points to be transferable among organizations.
  • Zyxel_CSO
    Zyxel_CSO Posts: 407  Zyxel Employee
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    For your case, please kindly raise the ticket and we will help to deal with the license issue. :)
  • Alcapone
    I have a similar situation, i.e. i need to move a device from one organisation to another (though they are the same, the previous IT Manager left without leaving any details for the account).

    Where do I raise a ticket?
  • Zyxel_Dean
    Zyxel_Dean Posts: 237  Zyxel Employee
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    Hello @Alcapone ,
    In this case you can submit a ticket by the following methods,
    1. Submit directly on Nebula Control Center in your Org, Help>Support request (requires professional pack)
    2. Contact your local Zyxel office for support, they will guide you into verification of the device ownership, transfers and basic setups if needed.
  • Alcapone
    Thanks Nebula_Dean, I have made contact with support.

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