VMG devices bridge mode not accessible via it's management IP


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  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 118  Ally Member
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    The idea ist to create a second interface group in the zycel . Name it "Management" or so bind it to Lan4 and to WWan as pseudo interface . Then give a single free IP Adress of your Net without DHCP or so and connect with a second Ethernet cable to your Net . Then you can reach it as a normal device in your net . Thats all ….

  • k1s
    k1s Posts: 71  Ally Member
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    "WWan as pseudo interface"?

    Is this what you mean?

    What do you mean by "Then give a single free IP Adress of your Net without DHCP or so and connect with a second Ethernet cable to your Net"

    ? Which Net?

    I have the new Interface Group setup without DHCP like this:

    So now I connected cable from that LAN4 port into my network switch. Then what do you mean by "give a single free IP Adress of your Net"?

  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 118  Ally Member
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    So what happens if you put in in your browser ? You should get the gui of the Zycel device …

  • k1s
    k1s Posts: 71  Ally Member
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    The page doesn't load. Pinging from the PC ( produces "Request timed out".

  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 118  Ally Member
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    edited October 8

    If you are really interested in you can put a Laptop direct over Lan4 to the zycel to see if it is connecting … If this is ok try allow a Routing form your local net to the Zycel with the different IP x.x.5.x then x.x.1.x .

    I have two Interface groups and two nets x.x.1.x and x.x.2.x with my Zycel Router and can reach them both .

  • k1s
    k1s Posts: 71  Ally Member
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    My primary LAN is 192.168.1.x. The "default" interface group for the Zyxel is The new "Management" interface group is Plugging laptop directly into the Port 4 of the Zyxel I can reach the management gui on or, but not from any PC on the main LAN 192.168.1.x.

    I have a firewall rule in my main router for the primary lan set-up to explicitly allow traffic from the primary lan to reach, but it doesn't seem to make any difference

  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 118  Ally Member
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    So its true , you can reach the web GUI of the Modem via Lan4 and .

    You can make it easier to access with a Laptop when you activate DHCP for your x.x.5.1 Network of the new Interface group you called "Management GUI" . You could add the wifi of the Zycel to this new interface too.

    To reach it via Lan4 connected to your local Network via Ethernet cable is another Question .

  • k1s
    k1s Posts: 71  Ally Member
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    @Peter2 "To reach it via Lan4 connected to your local Network via Ethernet cable is another Question"

    That is THE question (and the point of this thread).

  • Peter2
    Peter2 Posts: 118  Ally Member
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    I think if a bridge modem is working on his adress yours is it is not possible to reach it in the same time via a Laptop connected to another Lan port of the device ?

    But over WLan it is possible .

    So now the bridge modem offers a new adress to login to the Web GUI on Lan4 .

    You have to configure your synology for this , then you can see the logs etc. from a Computer in your local Network .

  • k1s
    k1s Posts: 71  Ally Member
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    "I think if a bridge modem is working on his adress yours is it is not possible to reach it in the same time via a Laptop connected to another Lan port of the device ?"

    I'm afraid I don't follow what you're saying here. As far as I understand it, it should be possible to reach Zyxel at 192.168.x.x from 192.168.1.x. even if the Zyxel is providing internet into the WAN port of, as long as the Zyxel doesn't also have IP in the 192.168.1.x subnet so or should both work. But for some reason it's not visible.

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