XMG1930 from Nebula back to Stand Alone
Hi, First I installed my switch XMG 1930 as stand alone, and to test Nebula I registered it in the portal. But now I like to use it as stand alone, and even if I remove the switch from the site, it remains managed in Cloud Mode. How I can go back to Stand alone mode ?
ATP in Nebula mode/VPN/2FA this site is insecure
How to fix "This site is insecure" when connecting VPN with SecuExtender to an ATP in Nebula mode with 2FA activated? SecuExtender opens a website with the gateway address i.e. - but the certificates common name is atp500_5CE28C699B1C
FWA510. Ethernet WAN speed
Trying to use FWA510 to connect to my EE 1.6G ONT. Speed seems to be limited to 600Mb despite 2.5G Ethernet on the ONT and FWA510. The EE router connects at over 1G. Could the FWA510 have been limited? Any thoughts?
Same double SSID in Nebula Summary Report
Hi, Is it normal in Summary Report / Top SSIDs by usage that I see two SSID networks with same name? One used at 100% and one at 18.2%, as if they two separate networks? Could the security router's network be seen as "different"? The network is the same, the broadcasting is configured on "all APs" (2 access points and 1…
Problem with iPhone on Nebula wifi
Dear Zyxel, I have a problem with a structure of this type: Nebula cc, nsg50, n.2 a.point nwa1123acv3 n.1 a.point nwa1123acv2 in Italy. I have had two clients from the USA. with o.s. Apple iOS and I were unable to connect to wifi with dhcp. I checked later that they took the IP address as instead of…
how to move a device from one organization to another
Anyone know how to get ESIM working on this thing? I tried pasting in my LPA:$xxxx$yyyy$zzzz code, clicking download… get the spinner, then nothing, no dialogue
Nebula user
I would like to create nebula accounts with access to only certain organizations and sites
Hello, I have an issue to identify a WiFi device labeled "CLOUD NETWORK TECHNOLOGY SINGAPORE PTE. LTD" - with MAC 80:60:B7:19:14:66. I did not find anything on the web which could help and I see several people are asking similar question. I have 2 AP NW210AX at home. Can you help please?
L2TP VPN server - AD authentication
Hi Trying to set up VPN for clients using my AD server for authentication on a Flex200. Everything works, but how can I limit access to only one AD group? Under advanced setting in Nebula for my AD server the is a "Group Membership Attribute:". This field is not anywhere in documentation so I don´t know if it can be used…
Red internet light
I cannot connect to the internet on my Nebula FAW510 router
Topology error on Nebula
Hello, I installed a firewall with 2 WANs, one linked to a mobile 5G router and one linked to a internet cable service provider (blu arrow to a "?" icon device). As you can see below the firewall does not identify correctly 2 WANs and the firewall itself shows 2 green lines that should schematize the path from the firewall…
Usg flex 500 loop
Hi, I'm having trouble configuring multi vlan on lan groups. As you can see from the image I have set everything on different vlans, but as soon as I connect 2 LAN cables (p4 and p5) on port 1 and 2 of the switch, everything goes in a loop. How can I solve it? Firewall USG FLEX 500 SWITCH GS1920-24HP Thanks
Client disconnects on WBE660S
Hello we deployed two new Zyxel AP in our office: WBE660S NWA220AX-6E Both managed via Nebula. It mostly works very well! We have some employees with an "Intel wifi 6 ax200 160mhz" WLAN Card. These clients get disconnected after some short period (20s to 90s) when they use the WBE660S - but not on the NWA one. The log in…
Site-to-site tunnel
Hi, We bought USG flex 100 into our office and we added it to the nebula. Now, we need to setup site-to-site tunnel into our datacenter. On nebula site we have network and in datacenter we have subnets and I need to have both networks from datacenter connected to the nebula device in…
NWA130BE - Country Code Change
Hi There Zyxel community, I am located in Canada and recently rolled out my NWA130BE AP which was purchased online from the US store. I am wondering how to change my country code on this unit? I've followed several references online from other Zyxel Aps, but neither the GUI or SSH options seem to work. Currently, my…
firmware NWA130BE
Where can I get latest firmware for NWA130BE
Unexpected error
I've got recently a scr50axe router and I wanted to use the application management function. Unfortunately every time I try to activate the function I get an unexpected error. Other question: is there some function to test the network speed? Maybe also from the app? @Zyxel_CSO Thanks
What is the GUI username and password for my switch?
My switch is GS1915-24EP. It has been registered with Nebula, but I also want to use ZON's Gui for control operations. Then user and password he said Please use the local credential password on NCC to login. How do I find it? What about your user and password?
Smartphone does not connect to the network
I've got some Accesspoints (NWA 50ax, NWA210ax etc.)that I have been using the last few months with an old TP Link router. Recently I switched to a Zyxel scr50ax as the network router. Since the change my smartphone (Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S) can not connect to the Network. However If I remove the scr50ax from the SSID the…