L2tp vpn remote connection
Hi there, form today i have this problem, a client told me that the remote connections on the mobile phone don't work, i have a ikev1 onthe firewall that is usgflex 100 nebula mode, is in nat configuration, so, a week ago all work wonderful, but now not work, the mobile phone says (please upgrade a ikev2 vpn mode) but if i…
Vouchers information in reports
Would it be possible to add the voucher ID in varying reports? i.e. AP or Firewall Client Lists - associate the voucher used with the client. SecuReporter and content filter - show voucher used when content filter blocks a site. This would be helpful in managing users access.
Creating AP groups in NCC so groups can have different settings?
I'd like to be able to control groups of APs so they have different SSIDs and or different bands enable, sometimes just 2.4 and other times just 5.0 or 6.0. I see the new beta feature that allows aps with certain tags use SSIDs associated with those tags but can you then have two or three entries for the same SSID, one for…
Give DHCP client a static reservation in NCC?
Using a USG Flex 200 in NCC and I'd like and easy way of giving certain clients a static reservation. In most routers you can just click a check box on a client that's already received their dhcp IP and I can just click a box to make it static and also change the ip to my preferred IP for that client, then clear the arp…
BLE beacon for WAX650S
I have 5 WAX650S and have been waiting for BLE beacons to be enabled and allowed to be configured via Nebula, when will this ever be an option? I purchased these with the expectation over a year ago, as the product showed it was a part of the purchase price. Could someone give me an understanding of where I can configure…
[NEBULA] Search registered devices across organizations
Hi is it possible to do a search on either the serial number or the MAC address across all the organizations that are linked to our account. In other words, I've got an AP that is registered, but I don't know to which organization it is registered. Since we have 90+ organizations I can't just check all organizations one by…
Nebula cloud authentication MAC user limitation with free license
Is MAC users really limited to 100 entry in Nebula cloud authentication? I receive an error after reaching 50 MAC users. Can't register more than 50 MAC users. Anyone knows if it's correct or is a bug? The error is:Nebula (Base Pack) supports up to} 50 administrator accounts. * ERR_UPGRADE_ORG Thank you.Regards.
Nebula Public API
Where can documentation be found about this?
NWA90AX - how to shutdown in NCC ?
Hello, I'm new with Zyxel devices, so please apologize my beginner question, but I didn't find an answer so far. I bought an NWA90AX Access Point and in the manual it says Always use Maintenance > Shutdown or the shutdown command before you turn off the Zyxel Device or remove the power. Not doing so can cause the firmware…
Moved: I have 2 NWA110AX and I am unable to setup mesh network.
This discussion has been moved.
I have 2 NWA110AX and I am unable to setup mesh network.
I have followed the guide mentioned in the forums but still, the second AP is not connecting to the first Root AP. Root AP is connected via LAN and I want the second AP to take the network from Root AP wirelessly. Can someone guide me.
Buongiorno a tutti, se qualcuno può gentilmente aiutarmi, vorrei sapere se il NSG50 nella configurazione dei remote access vpn è compatibile con il client secuextender, poichè da tutorial non riesco generare il file di configurazione all'interno del NCC poichè manca la voce nella pagina di configurazione. Grazie mille in…
Hallo, is possible change the default vpn port 443 on device USG50? How can I do that? Thanks a lot.
Application bandwidth limit?
I am using NWA110AX for my staff's wifi access in my design studio about 8 months. I like one of the NWA110AX function threat protection in CNP+. It seems I see less unsafe sites recently, feel happy and safe while browsing the websites. I found there is application bandwidth limit setting in nebula, is it limiting…
Nebula i. Hotel scenario
Can we use nebula plus for hotel guests wifi authentication. Can we integrate it with IDS Next hotel management software.
Hello everyone, if someone can kindly help me, I would like to know if the NSG50 in the remote access vpn configuration is compatible with the secuextender client, as from the tutorial I can't generate the configuration file within the NCC as the entry is missing on the page of configuration.
Many thanks in advance.
account deletion - why can't I do it myself?
Basically the question. I don't need the account, have no use for it. Admins - can you delete my account? Thanks, JJ
Delays in alerts going to email
We are seeing delays of up to 2 hours when we have it set to 5 minutes after the gateway goes offline. Devices are dropping and coming back online, then hours later we get the down alert followed by the up alert a little later. In testing, I added an additional email address (a Gmail account) so that I could tell if this…
Max amount of devices
Hi all! We are considering installing Zyxel Nebula at one of our sites. We will have one SSID for office users and one SSID for guests users. We enticipate a lot of simultanious devices. Does anyone know how Zyxel Nebula manages ip adresses / leasing time etc. to ensure all connected devices will be able to connect to…
Connect & Protect – Network Defense for Small Business WiFi
Small businesses are just as vulnerable as large enterprises
when it comes to cyber risks. Zyxel’s Connect & Protect (CNP) has been
specifically designed to give small businesses a hassle-free, cost-effective
approach to set up powerful network protection to protect their connected
clients. Click here to read the full…