Nebula License Reform Notification
Starting from April 11, 2021, all Nebula customers will be updated to our new per-device licensing model as our co-termination licensing model will sadly come to an end. Why the change? Simplification is by far the main driver in the change, after receiving a lot of feedback from partners and clients. We have decided to…
How do i turn off the status lights using the Nebula control center
The customer doesn't want the LED's on so i need to turn them off, can i do this through the Nebula control center
How Long Should It Take For The AP's To Pull Down Their Initial Configuration
I have an AP that I've had plugged into the network for about 15 minutes and it is still flashing yellow and green. How long should it take for the AP (NWA210AX) to pull its initial configuration from the cloud?
Bandwidth Management by apps (app acceleration)
The BWM section of Nebula is rather sparse. It would be very helpful if we could choose to assign bandwidth and priority to Applications, such as Microsoft Teams, WebEx, etc. I would imagine this would make the PRO pack more valuable.
signal levels between aps
for fine tuning of the wifi is it possible to extract from the system the signal strengths that each ap report that they see from and to each other? likewise can the power levels of each individual ap be adjusted?
Add Admin
Hi Everyone I need to add a new admin that has full access to all and future orgs, basically the same as the primary msp admin. How do I do this? Also the chat button isn't in my portal so I can't ask on live support.
What is the difference between PVID , untagged and tagged
Firstly, how do I set a native vlan for a port in nebula switch? Secondly, I understand that untagged means access in cisco, so why we can have multiple untagged vlan in 1 port? Thirdly, what is PVID? Is it access vlan? Fourthly, what is the difference between PVID and configuring as untagged vlan?
Netconf Connection is Disconnected on all APs
Hi all, We have a large Wifi 6 network covered with Nebula controlled WAX510 APs. We are experiencing a "Netconf Connection is disconnected" on all Aps, This heppens about every 1 hour to a different (random?) group of APs , but ifferent groups every time. We tried disablig DCS etc... but no effect. We see a large amount…
Hello, my blinks green and yellow. Any help?
[Issue] Switch firmware version 4.70 patch 0 & patch 1
Dear Zyxel Users, We regret to announce an issue after upgrading firmware to V4.70 patch 0/ patch 1 and would like to call your attention in the meantime. Device model: GS1920v2 series GS2220 series XS3800-28 Symptom: The model listed above is subject to a bug which LLDP feature causing switch management hang up and layer…
New Zyxel User NWA210AX WiFi 6
nwa1123-acv2 disconnect from nebula and internet
hi, i have a problem with 3 ap nwa1123-acv2, they keep losing registration on nebula and disconnect internet access, but remain connected to the lan.The wlan clients remain connected to the wifi of the ap but not to the internet. I tested and changed lan and poe connection, configured both static ip and dhcp, I used…
Increase duration option for Guest Vouchers
We have a few marina clients, and their guests stay for long durations. It would be nice to have the option for Vouchers to either never expire, or increase the Duration to up to 360 days.
AP Zyxel NWA1123-ACv2 with Zyxel USG110 - Guest Network not work
Hi, I have a primary SSID on VLAN 1 (default) and work correctly for internal network. I tried to enable "guest network" on secondary SSID for guests, but it didn't work on internet I also tried to disable "guest network" and setting a different VLAN ID (for example VLAN10) on secondary SSID with the same settings of my FW…
NSG100 Dual Active WAN, separate LAN clients
Good day All, I am almost 99% sure this is an active config. I have dedicated WAN1 link, with a LTE on WAN2. I need to allow LAN clients 1-10 to use WAN 1 then LAN clients 11-20 to utilize WAN 2. WAN load balancing algorithm is currently set to Lead load first. I have configured Port 3-4 on LAN1 and Port 5-6 for LAN2. Now…
Kanalbreite 40Mhz in Radio Einstellungen
Hallo liebe Nebula-Community, Meine Frage -wie kann ich die Kanalbreite in Radio Einstellungen bei 2.4 GHz auf 40 MHz- fest-stellen. Stelle schon auf 40Mhz -bleibt aber die Einstellung wirkungslos. Wenn ich in 2,4-GHz-Kanalbereitstellung Three-Channel Deployment auswähle bleibt bei 20Mhz, bei manuelle Kanalauswahl markiere…
How To Extract MAC Address and Serial Number of Devices From A Nebula Site
I wish to extract mac address and serial number from NCC portal preferably into excel. (not the other way around) I cant seem to do this. Are there any steps?
[NEBULA] Legal Logs
Where is it possible to see and export legal logs for the nebula AP for connected clients (for wlan security or captive portal) ?
nur 3/10 nwa-1123acv2 online
hallo. haben heute 10 nwa-1123acv2 aufgehängt und in die ncc integriert. sind bei allen genau gleich vorgegangen, leider sind aber nur 3 der 10 wirklich online. selbst diese 3 haben sich erst nach einer (plötzlichen) 7stündigen offline-pause wieder online gemeldet. wo könnte hier der fehler begraben sein? die betroffenen…
Gebündelte NCC Punkte
Hallo, ich habe eine Frage zu den gebündelten NCC Punkten bei AP´s.ist es richtig, das die NWA1123-ACv2 AP´s zu der Kategorie an Geräten gehören bei denen, bei Neukauf, keine NCC Punkte dabei sind? Ich meine mich zu erinnern, solche Geräte eingebunden zu haben und das da Punkte dabei waren.Gelesen habe ich aber das es wohl…