Port Staus wird weder in APP noch auf der Webside angezeigt
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, über ein Jahr lief nun mein Nebular Switch mit der Anzeige der Ports in der Status übersicht. Seid einigen Wochen kann ich diese nun nicht mehr sehen. Dies geht weder per app ( wo durch mit dieser garkeine Ports mehr konfiguriert werden können) noch mit der Webside. Ist das ganze jetzt auch…
second NAP102
I want to set up a second NAP102 for a larger WiFi signal in my back yard. What will be the best way to connect this second one? By Smart Mesh or by connecting it with a UTP cable? Should I set the channels in both AP's the same or not? Many thanks in advance. Cheers, Jan
NSG interface addressing export/import file feature.
This new idea was raised by @JoeCraw. (original discussion) Feel free to leave a likes and comments. Jonas
Have to Enter Location on Each Device
Is there away to enter the location for a site on the site settings, so that the devices under that site can be set to inherit those settings instead of entering it on each device?
Create a MAC Filtering in speciefied port
Hi! We want to create a MAC Filtering rule for specied fort of a switch (GS1920-24P). The target is to permit only one MAC address to be connected en each port. P1 -> Allow only MAC AXXXXXXP2 -> Allow only MAC BBXXXXXP3 -> Allow only MAC CCXXXXX ...... Well, y tried with ACL-> "Customization Rules" , but not sure how to…
NSG - Muptiple WAN and LAN IP addresses - Feature request
We've got a case where the customer have 3 IP-addresses from their ISP. They would like to use one as primary address and the other two as 1:1 NAT addresses. But it's not possible to configure multiple WAN1 IP addresses in Nebula. We've also got customers with multiple IP subnets within the same VLAN (default VLAN). For…
Licens frage
Hallo erst mal! Ich bin neu im Zyxel Universum :) Und wollte mal fragen was der große Unterschied zwischen der Freien und der bezahlten Version ist? Am meisten interessiert es mich im Bezug zu dieser Begrenzung: USER AUTHORITES BUILT IN USER AUTHENTICATION ENTRIES MfG Kenneth PS: Ich bin Däne, Sprach- und Grammatikfehler…
Change background on Captive portal
It it possible to either change the colour or add an image to be made as the background fro the captive portal on a NWA1123-ACHD nebular manged AP?
deleted the registered AP on Nebula, and have reset the AP. Not web gui access locally
I got the same issue. I deleted the registered AP on Nebula, and have reset the AP. Now I am not able to access the AP locally or on Nebula. What should I do? Many thanks!
Site-to-site VPN and Active Directory
I have set up a site-to-site VPN between my home (NSG50) and Office (NSG100). How do I allow access to manage my Active Directory, DNS, DHCP etc over the VPN? NSG50 is on, NSG100 is on NSG100 is connected to Virgin Media Business with static public IP, NSG50 is connected to BT Home Hub with…
ip statico
come configuro un il statico e le credenziali di connessione in un firewall nebula NSG50?
Nebula Information
I have an NSG100 and 11 NSG50s. When I log into the website (doesn't matter which browser) I can view some information, but for the last month or so my Security Gateway-->Monitor--> Clients NEVER loads. I cannot see the clients connected as I used to be able to see. I have cleared all cookies, cache, everything. I even…
Bugs in NCC - Build version: prod 20200630-100338
From Access Point view: Live Tools tabs: 1. Current stations tab is blank and does not show the current clients that are connected to the AP 2. The "Current Stations" tab show be renamed to "Current Clients" to matching naming in the rest of Nebula From Access Point / Monitor / Clients the client capability is shown (ie.…
Multiple subnets via VPN between NSG100 and USG60
Hello, I would like to setup VPN connection between two devices: NSG100 and USG60. On NSG 100 i have configured: LAN1 Interface - VLAN17 - On USG60 i have: LAN1 Interface - VLAN248 - My VPN works but only networks attached to physical interfaces can…
Enable Local SNMP Get
Please enable local SMNP Get for monitoring, such as for devices without Nebula. Thank you
Add simple Block Policy on the Clients Home Page
At the moment there is no simple block IP or MAC Address option that can be used for parental control when NG100 Firewalls are used in home environments due to the fast speeds from some providers now bringing Up to 500Mb into the home via Fibre. We have clients that one to simple drop internet for users on a timed basis.…
Again, I have to say the Nebula 2.0 is not more than early beta release. Absolutley unuseable.
I'm sin 40 years in IT bussiness and had my last regular Zyxel purchase ~25 years ago. Few months ago i decided to try again Zyxel and bought some Zyxel parts and tried the Nebual 2. The result is not good. Some of the problems are very small but with huge impact. I Found the Business forum by mistake and post 2 articles.…
XGS1930 Stuck In Standalone Mode
Hey Guys The switch is on V4.5 (ABHV.7). I have tried factory reset but every time I scan the QR code it shows as offline in NCC and is in Standalone mode. Anything else I can try?
Porbleme mit der Konfiguration der Switch Ports
Unter: * Switch * Configure * Switch ports .... können keine Links geöffnet werden, um die Ports konfigurieren zu können!Bitte um hilfe.
NSG50 VPN L2TP over IPsec Konfiguration?
Hallo zusammen, wir haben in unserem Büro einen Business Internettarif mit fixer IP Adresse. Laut Support des Internetanbieters ist keinerlei Portweiterleitung, etc. notwendig, es werden alle Verbindungen ohne Umwege oder Unterbrechungen direkt an unserer Netzwerkdose ankommen. Hinter dieser Netzwerkdose sitzt unsere…