Last stock firmware version (V5.21(AASZ.5)C0) for NAS520 wanted
I would like to reinstall the latest stock firmware for NAS520. V5.21(AASZ.5)C0 Where can I download this file. Zyxel doesn't offer download links for EOL devices.
No puedo acceder al Panel de Congrol
Buenas tardes, Hace días que no puedo acceder a la configuración de mi NAS326, se queda "iniciando sesión" pero no llega a entrar nunga, aunque ponga un usuario incorrecto, el mensaje es el mismo. Es la segunda vez que ocurre, la primera tuve que hacer un HARD RESET y volver a configurar todo. Hay alguna explicación a…
warehouse sw cannot access file stored at NAS326
Hello, I placed a database file for our warehouse system in my NAS326. Before that the database file was placed at our SBS server and everything worked fine. After moving of the database to NAS326 the software cannot find the file any more. I changed database file address in INI file of the warehouse software with…
myZyXELcloud Administrator
I received an e-mail from "Zyxel Cloud info@myzyxel.com" Did you send this mail: Dear , The latest update time is 2023-04-07 16:55:31 +0000. Your equipment needs report online at least in 60 days. The DDNS sever name wouldn’t be remove from our system. If you still need to use “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.zyxel.me.” and didn’t want…
NFS install fails with 'Unknown Error', firmware update fails with 'Connection to server hung'
I'm trying to install the NFS app, but I get the error message 'Unknown Error'. When I try to update the firmware I get the error message 'Connection to server hung'. I've had the NAS326 for less than a week. Not sure what I'm supposed to do.
No puedo acceder al Panel de mi nas326
Buenas tardes, Ya es la segunda vez que me ocurre en muy poco tiempo, la primera vez tuve que hacer un HARD RESET, pero creo que no es normal que vuelva a ocurrir. No puedo acceder al Panel de Control, se queda siempre con el mensaje "Iniciando sesión", aunque le ponga un usuario y contraseña incorrecta, pasa lo mismo. He…
NAS326 and Backup
Hello everyone, a customer / friend is asking me about a NAS326 The question is as follows: Is there a backup program (exe) supplied with this product? He remembers using one, but can't remember the name. If so, is it downloadable (free?) Thanks for all. Carlo Patrizio Falco
Dateien automatisch löschen / delete files automatically
Hallo zusammen, ist es möglich Dateien automatisch zu löschen? Hintergrund, meine Kamera speichert per FTP Bilder auf dem NAS sobald eine Bewegung erkannt wird, diese sollen nach 48h gelöscht werden. Hello everyone, is it possible to delete files automatically? Background, my camera saves images on the NAS via FTP as soon…
How to set a modify flag?
Hi, I have a NAS320 When attempting to expand 2 x 2tb drives from 2 x 1tb drives I have a message no modify flag set. How do you set a modify flag? I have scanned the drives and then attempted to expand them but it does not expand even although the 2 x 2tb disks are seen as 2tb seperately their combined total is only 980gb…
NAS520 HDD to HDD copy/sync
Dear all, Is it possible to to copy/sync the data from a single HDD that is inserted in the NAS520 into the second HDD on the same NAS? I've read the it's possible from USB to HDD (and vice-versa), however i'm wondering whether i can copy/sync HDD (volume 1) into HDD (volume 2). Currently one of the HDD's is almost full…
NAS326 and NAS452 and ULTRASTAR drives!
Hello! Is anybody that use WD ULTRASTAR drives on Zxyel NAS? I have one pair of Western Digital Ultrastar DC HC520 12Tb HUH721212ALE604 0F30146 and i try to use it in my Zxyel NAS (both 326 and 542)… My disk are identified ok but any attempt to create a volume ends with nothing… No error, just operation is canceled and no…
NAS326, three folders changed to lost status after rebuild
I had a drive fail recently and after putting a new one in and rebuilding the array three folders disappeared and now have the status of "lost" while all other data is intact. The volume is healthy but three folders are gone, how can I get them back without spending a fortune on a data recovery service?
Is Twonkymedia Server still available
I have a license for Twonky media Server Twonky Server v6 which I would like to use, but I tried to upload it to the Cloud license check and it wasn’t recognised. I have not used it since 2016 when I used to stream ripped dvd to my Blu-ray player. Now I need it for use with a HEOS streamer Marantz PM7000N Hope you can help
Nas520 firmware
Hello! Tell me if it is possible to update the firmware of nas 520, recently caught "chekmate" security has not been updated for a long time! Maybe install the firmware from the nas 542 model, do you think this is possible? How can you protect nas from the likes of the "chekmate" cryptographer.
Issue installing Entware on NAS540 from Github wiki
Following this guide :https://github.com/Entware/Entware/wiki/Install-on-Zyxel-NAS542 I have this firmware installed: V5.21(AATB.6)C0 which is the latest on the Zyxel site. The guide says firmware V5.21(BHAG.6)C0 or later is required. I'm not sure how the versioning works, but it would seem that the latest in on the Zyxel…
18TB on NAS326 as JBOD
I've just bought a NAS326 and (sadly) a 18TB hdd. I want to install it as jbod. I'm OK on wasting 400gb of space. The web interface doesn't let me format only 16TiB. If I select "Single volume on RAID" it tells me that it is too big. Can I do it manually? I know how to use SSH, but when I tried to format the hdd in ext4…
"Zyxel Drive" keeps on crashing on my Iphone
Hello, "Zyxel Drive" keeps on crashing on my Iphone, i haven´t used the app before but wanted to sync my photos on the Iphone with my NAS 326. have anyone a better solution than "Zyxel Drive" or a solution on why it keeps on crashing? thanks, Jörgen
Can't install SMB V2 on NSA325v2
Hello everyone, i tried to update samba on my Zyxel NSA325v2 according to this HOW TO https://zyxel.diskstation.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24&sid=3e40a8ef0b230af1ad6c9d0802170f46 It fails at the Point where i start /opt/etc/init.d/S09ZyXELSambaReplacement. An error accured: mw: can`t rename '/opt/var/lock/*': No such file or…
2tb disks showing wrong capacity.
Hi, I have a NAS 320 as network storage. Running under windows 10. Having changed from 2 x 1gb in raid 1 to 2 x 2gb in raid 1. Each disk is showing as 1,8tb but the total storage is only showing as 930bg When I originally installed and expanded the disk the total volume showed the correct value, has anyone have any ideas…
NAS326 Is it normal for the disk1 LED to blink every +-4 seconds?
I just have one disk installed, WD Red Plus, just added a file to test it, no app installed, and the disk1 Led light blinks every +- 4seconds, at night this behavior becomes noisy each time it blinks it seems the disk makes a noise like accessing it. Does someone knows if this is normal?