Repository not visible in NSA325-v2 FW 4.81


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  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
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    In my apps list the Metarepository is not present, I cant simply select it and uninstall it. How can i do it without using the apps list? 
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    You don't have a visible install, and yet the box tells you you can update from 20160513zypkg013 to 20181001zypkg015? Strange.
    When you remove the web_prefix file, and reboot the box, does it come back?
    Do you have shell access?
  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
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    edited August 2021
    When you remove the web_prefix file, and reboot the box, does it come back?

    Nop, and the window asking to upgrade neighter

    Shell access you mean telnet? Yes , i have access
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    Unfortunately it's not easy to remove the package manually, as on fw4 all packages are extracted to the same place, so you have to manually delete all files.
    Yet it is easy to edit the database, making the firmware believe it's not installed.

    To do so you have to edit the file /i-data/md0/.system/zy-pkgs/zypkg_conf/status, remove the MetaRepository section. Further remove /i-data/md0/.system/zy-pkgs/zypkg_conf/info/MetaRepository.*, and finally remove the startscript /i-data/md0/.system/zy-pkgs/etc/init.d/MetaRepostory . If you have done this, reboot the box, and the firmware won't know MR is installed, and won't (attempt to) start it.

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
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    the regular telnet doesnt allow me to get or push files to the box. how can i do it?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    You can use a share as in-between. The shares can be found as /i-data/md0/<share-name>/. But the easiest way is to use the ssh package in combination with WinSCP (assuming you use Windows).
  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
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    Ok, I've used a shared folder as in-between because i dont know what you mean by using SSH with WinSCP, sorry. I know that WinSCP is a FTP, SFTP etc etc client but i couldn't connect using a SSH to the box.

    Instead I've used the regular windows explorer to edit the file and then put it back again.

    Erased all the files but i needed to login as root because admin is not allowed to erase some files.

    Now I've restarted, Metarepository is not present and the same "old" ZYPKGS file dated from 2016/10/28 is there again (I've erased everything in \admin\zy-pkgs folder) together with other two files, USRPKG_DEPS_SHUTDOWN and USRPKG_DEPS_START.

    Im taking small steps so may i ask if it is now time to use the web_prefix file available at:

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    An ssh server in most cases have a build in SCP or SFTP server (where SFTP is more mature), which can be used to browse the filesystem of the server.

    Tomalamix said:
    Im taking small steps so may i ask if it is now time to use the web_prefix file available at:
    Yes. As far as the NAS knows the box is clean now, so a damaged install of MR should not be able to interfere with a new install of MR.

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
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    Ok, i've put the web_prefix file in \admin\zy-pkgs folder and deleted the rest of the files. Now the ZYPKGS that appears is dated from 2018,  but the applications tab is empty.

    At first, just after I've restarted the box, i could press the "Retrieve List From Internet" button but without any list retrieved. i went to check for a ping test, all went OK, and then at a second time I went to the package tab the "Retrieve List From Internet" is greyed out and I can't do anything, list remains empty. Tried to restart again but same result.

    DMZ zone for the box is active, DNS is configured to Google server, I can ping the exterior from the box. Should I try something else?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
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    Can you provide me that ZYPKGS file, and the logfile in \admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository?

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