Repository not visible in NSA325-v2 FW 4.81

Tomalamix Posts: 56  Ally Member
First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to retrieve the apps repository for this NAS but the list comes empty all the time.

I went directly to the Zyxel FTP and all the apps are there BUT in a different folder , the FW 4.80 folder instead of 4.81 like it should be, but the last doesn't even exist.

Is there any turn around to this? A way to config the NAS to go to the 4.80 instead of 4.81 which doesnt exist? At least this way the list will be populated.

Thank you!

Accepted Solution

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
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    Answer ✓
    OK, that ZYPKGS file is expected, that is the file downloaded from 
    i've put the web_prefix file in \admin\zy-pkgs folder and deleted the rest of the files. Now the ZYPKGS that appears is dated from 2018, but the applications tab is empty.

    Applications tab is packages tab, I guess? As far as I remember it shouldn't be empty. It should show all installed packages, together with MetaRepository, as possible install.

    I've never seen the "Retrieve List From Internet" greyed out, but I know that could happen on the Medion ST212 (same firmware family, roughly v3.x), and I *think* then the package manager crashed when trying to populate the packages tab.

    Which means the internal package database is probably broken. Do you have any packages installed? Do you mind loosing them?

    My next attempt would be to remove the web_prefix, rename /i-data/md0/.system/zy-pkgs/zypkg_conf, and reboot the box. The package manager should start over without database. Try to install some stock package (the ssh package is extremely handy), check if a new zypkg_conf is created, and if it looks healthy. Reboot the box to see if the package is still installed, and if everything is OK, try the web_prefix again.


All Replies

  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
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    Firmware 4.81 uses the same repo as 4.80 did. How sure are you about the DNS and gateway of the NAS? Do you have any proof that internet is accessible for the NAS?
  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 56  Ally Member
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    edited July 2021
    Hello Mijzelf,

    Thank you for spending time on this, i know this is minor work for you :)

    Well, the NSA is on the DMZ (ive attributed a fixed IP for NAS in the router and in the NAS itself)  of the router and i can PING successfully using the ping tool in the NAS, so as far as I understand I'm connected to the internet. I also can use the download service without any issues so I'm convinced that im connected to the internet.

    I could make some experiences and edited a file that exists in the folder \\<NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\ , i dont remember well the file name right now, and I've changed the folder that is written there directing to ""  folder. It worked for 1 time but after that it was overwritten and back to the same problem.
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
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    Tomalamix said:
     and edited a file that exists in the folder \\<NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\
    Is that the web_prefix file? What is the current content? Did you ever (try to) install MetaRepository?

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 56  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Hy again!

    Actually is not a file, is an app called "MetaRepository for zypkgs" where is stated the following "A '+' at the end of the url will be exchanged by <NAS>/zypkg/<FW>, which is the default for ZyXEL repositories".

    The code above this statement is:
    # Official repository ZyXEL# German mirror# Mirror# German beta server# Beta# Medion server# Medion# Mijzelf's repository Mijzelf# Local repository/i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ Local

    The actual content of web_prefix file is:


  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
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    So you are running MetaRepository. In the directory <NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository should be a logfile, containing the logs of the last attempt to update the repository. That should tell what is going on.
  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 56  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Ok, in System Setting - Firmware/Packages in the "Package" tab everything is grayed out, I can't do anything. 

    The log file "zypkg.log" have the following inside:
    Request: /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin_2.0_arm_009.zpkg
    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    Fetch - succeeded

    I see several failed operations in the ZYPKG_INFO.tgz.log log but i can't post it here, i don't know why, I'll try posting another comment.

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 56  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    I'll try to post at least the failed lines:

    7: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_md0_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed
    7: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKGS /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_md0_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed
    7: Failed
    7 stop: 01:44:24
    8: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_.tmp failed
    8: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_.tmp failed
    8: Failed
    8 stop: 01:44:25
    9: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/ftp___ftp2.zyxel.com_NSA325-v2_4.80_zypkg_.tmp succeeded
    9 stop: 01:44:26
    Nothing changed
    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz - succeeded
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,828  Guru Member
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    Tomalamix said:
    Nothing changed
    MetaRepository has to sift the downloaded ZYPKG_INFO files, to glue them together to a meta file. This is quite expensive, and so the MD5 sums of the downloaded files are stored. As long as they don't change, no new meta file will be generated.
    I think your database is corrupted. You can reset it by removing the content of <NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository\, and requesting a new update. is dead. The repository can now be found here:

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 56  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    Mijzelf said:
    Tomalamix said:
    Nothing changed
    MetaRepository has to sift the downloaded ZYPKG_INFO files, to glue them together to a meta file. This is quite expensive, and so the MD5 sums of the downloaded files are stored. As long as they don't change, no new meta file will be generated.
    I think your database is corrupted. You can reset it by removing the content of <NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository\, and requesting a new update.

    Ok, i've emptied the \admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository\ folder and restarted the NAS

    Afterwards the NSA system populated the folder again but still no able to retrieve any list, buttons are all grayed out. But then i tried to backup and rename "ZYPKGS" and "web_prefix", restarted the NAS and it worked during the first restart, everything is populated in the MetaRepository folder and new "ZYPKGS" and "web_prefix" were created. After I restarted the NAS all back to the same, all guttons grayed out and list empty
  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 56  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    How safe is for my backed up data to use the RESET button in the back of the unit?

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