Zyxel nas542 boot loop after installing OMV

faierbol Posts: 16
edited November 2021 in Personal Cloud Storage
Hi all,

Can anybody help with a step by step guide on how to recover the original firmware?
I have tried to follow the steps found on this forum on all the threads related to zyxel nas5.. boot loop.
None of them worked :(
The problem:
I have installed OMV on a SD card and everything was fine until i wanted to expand the sd disk to the entire capacity 64 GB.
After this step none of the firmware's worked and the nas entered in a boot loop.
The nas gets an IP address but the is not reachable over SSH or telnet.
As i said above i have tried everything i found on this forum including the recovery stick, nothing :(

Current situation:
i have managed to connect to the nas box with a serial connection

i have also tryed b0 b1 b2m none of them works, i get "bad magic number"
i don't have all the command found here on the forum like the one "setenv" is not recognized

I am attaching the printenv output and reset output


All Replies

  • Hi guys, Mijzelf archigraf, can you please help me with this!
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    I don't see how I can help you, as you already tried everything.
  • the thing is that the steps are not documented and i dont know what i am missing
  • do i need to modify anything on the config file or just copy the uimage with tftp on the box and run:

    tftp -f uImage.520.bin -a 80010000

    bootm 80010000

  • faierbol
    faierbol Posts: 16
    edited November 2021
    running the above steps gives me an error related to free space (out of space)
  • faierbol
    faierbol Posts: 16
    edited November 2021
    HI Triu maybe you can help me with this, do you remember what exactly have you changed on the config file or what are the steps to flash the original firmware back? 
  • Mijzelf as i said, is not documented unfortunately and i tried to follow the steps fond on the other threads but i think a couple of steps are missing or i dont understand them :(
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,819  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    faierbol said:
    running the above steps gives me an error related to free space (out of space)
    Make sure you always switch on the logging function of you terminal emulator. It ensures you can always readback your actions and their response.
    That 'uImage.520.bin', what is it's source, and what is it's size?

  • the image is the one shared by you https://zyxel.diskstation.eu/Users/Mijzelf/NAS/542/ and it has 6.99 MB i rename it to uImage.520.bin
  • Hi guys, Mijzelf archigraf, can you please give me a hand!

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