NSA325: Trouble installing MetaRepository
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Where and how can I add more repos (with the zyxel-samba-replacement)in /opt/etc/opkg.conf. https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/additional-software/opkgAs a pessimistic software dev ... how does the replacement work?Will the web-UI to configure still work?Yes. It writes to /etc/samba/smb.conf, which is included in the 'replacement conf'.
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Works great!
Just had some fun with my old NSA325. I compiled a version of minio.io s3 server for this zyxel.0 -
Hi Mijzelf! I tried to follow the tutorial but I ended up in this situation. Any hints please?0
Read the page about 'Entware-ng & FFP coexisting'.
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Hi again! I don't know what I have to do. Please be more specific.
== Welcome at FFP version 0.7/arm, running on NSA325v2 NSA325-v2, firmware V4.81(AALS.1) ==
root@NSA325-v2:~# echo $PATH
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It's literally on that page:This problem can be solved by providing the full path when you want to execute an Entware-ng command:
or you can source /opt/etc/profile:. /opt/etc/profile
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Please don't laugh but I'm a newbie in this stuff. Please give me more........
== Welcome at FFP version 0.7/arm, running on NSA325v2 NSA325-v2, firmware V4.81(AALS.1) ==
root@NSA325-v2:~# /opt/bin/su
-sh: /opt/bin/su: No such file or directory
root@NSA325-v2:~# cd /opt/bin/
root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# su
root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# opkg update
sh: opkg: command not found
root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# opkg update
sh: opkg: command not found
root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# /opt/bin/ opkg update
sh: /opt/bin/: is a directory
root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# /opt/bin/opkg update
sh: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# /opt/bin/ su
sh: /opt/bin/: is a directory
root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# cd
root@NSA325-v2:~# . /opt/etc/profile
sh: /opt/etc/profile: No such file or directory
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<pre class="CodeBlock"><code>root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# opkg update
Running /opt/bin/opkg is not the same as running opkg from within /opt/bin/. Linux searches $PATH to find an executable, and the current directory is not in there.<pre class="CodeBlock"><code> root@NSA325-v2:/opt/bin# /opt/bin/opkg update sh: /opt/bin/opkg: Input/output error
This should have worked. Don't know where the 'Input/output error' comes from.<pre class="CodeBlock"><code> root@NSA325-v2:~# . /opt/etc/profile sh: /opt/etc/profile: No such file or directory
That might give a hint. When /opt/etc/profile is not there, probably something is wrong with the /opt symlink. Try a reboot.0 -
Thank you!0
This is fantastic!! Thank you so much Mijzelf. I followed the instructions here and now my Zyxel 325v2 is running Samba 3.6.x (Well, not sure how to check the version, but I installed the Entware-ng zyxel-samba-replacement package).
If I may, I summarized the steps here for smoother reading. Feel free to delete the post if I have overstepped.Replace Samba 1.0 with 3.6x on Zyxel 325v2
Start by enabling 3rd party repository (Mijzelf instructions here)
From this page, specific to the Zyxel 325v2 (firmware4.81)
Step 1
Download the file web_prefix from http://zyxel.diskstation.eu/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/, and put it in the directory \\<NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\ on the NAS. Make sure your browser doesn't add any extensions to the file. The filename is web_prefix, without extension, all lowercase characters.
This is obvious, but I needed this. Just mount the “admin” share on your zyxel NAS! Then go into the zy-pkgs folder and copy the web_prefix file there.
Step 2
In the packages menu in the webinterface execute 'Retreive list from Internet'. Install MetaRepository. Execute 'Retreive list from Internet' again.
Now install the Entware-ng package
In the packages menu in the webinterface on the “Package” tab, select the Entware-ng package from the list and click “Install/Upgrade”
Now install the Entware-ng zyxel-samba-replacement package
SSH into your NAS box (if you have not already, install the SSH package, then click into the management page and enable SSH)
Become root
Type “su” and enter your root password
Update the package list
Type “opkg update”
Install zyxel-samba-replacement
Type “opkg install zyxel-samba-replacement”
Reboot the NAS when finished.
Finally disable “Enable Recycle bin” for all your user-created shares
Go the the “Shares” webinterface.
Click on a share, then “Edit Share”
Uncheck “Enable Recycle Bin” and choose “Apply”
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