Firmware V5.36(ABWD.0) issues


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  • GiangiSkan
    GiangiSkan Posts: 4
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Dear all,

    We have in use 2 USG Flex 500 in HA, after the upgrade 5.36, same issues as yours, randomly stucks.

    We have only IpSec/L2TP VPN users and also to after disabling the MFA the firewalls stukcs.

    I noted that also too, that the HA feature is not working, when one firewalls stucks and I reboot it, the other one in HA didn't go live and need to be rebooted too.

    Now I let one Firewall off, because I noted that after a while the backup one in HA anyway stucks.

    I hope in a prompt resultion, it is not accetable that such things happens to production enviroments…Last time it happens with Application Patrol Signature issue and I get out the mud only because the other firewall in HA didn't reboot, otherwise it would be a disaster.

    The lack of trust is now Huge.

    Please give us any Feedback to try to solve!

  • Zyxel_Cooldia
    Zyxel_Cooldia Posts: 1,511  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments

    Status update.

    The V5.36.C0 patch 1 is going to release soon. will update schedule on this thread.


    I send you fixed firmware in PM. Please have a check.

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,389  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    @Zyxel_Cooldia are you in the condition to share what's missing for release?
    Soon is better than "not soon" but it's worse than "friday next week" for scheduling the upgrade/reboot procedure.

  • GiangiSkan
    GiangiSkan Posts: 4
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Thanks Cooldia for the hints,

    due to our production requirements and to reserve me some time slots to eventually troubleshooting, if something does go wrong, I will deploy the proposed update tomorrow morining and share with you the results.

    Thanks again!

  • itariant
    itariant Posts: 18  Freshman Member
    First Comment Sixth Anniversary

    We have 2 ATP 500 in HA in use, has anyone already installed the firmware 536ABFU0ITS-23WK17-r109100? Any feedback on random blocks? Should I wait for patch 1 to be released for system stability?

  • rbc
    rbc Posts: 2
    First Comment Friend Collector

    I haven't installed that one, but it's dated April 28 and the changelog doesn't mention any fix for the issues in this thread. So I think you should wait for patch 1.

  • mMontana
    mMontana Posts: 1,389  Guru Member
    50 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    Unfortunately, the lack of changelog for lab firmware is… leading to a coin flip for "go for" or "wait until".

  • GiangiSkan
    GiangiSkan Posts: 4
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    Dear @Zyxel_Cooldia,

    Dear all,

    I updated with this firmware

    V5.36(ABUJ.0)ITS-23WK17-0504-230401495D / 2023-05-04 10:35:09

    and in the past 48h the firewall seems work fine without strange behaviours.

    Today all "heavy users" will come back to work and I will updated in case of "misbehaviours".

  • Agor76
    Agor76 Posts: 42  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

    Same here,

    Firmware V5.36(ABWD.0)ITS-23WK17-0504-230401495D, which Zyxel gave me for testing, it's now running since 4 days and I didn't have any issue so far. It has been testing with more than 15 SSL VPN users connected


  • Hello,

    Is there any timetable when this gets released?
    We need that fix as I do not want to reboot my USG Flex 700 every 2-3 hours

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