When can we expect new firmware for NWA50/55/90AX(E)?

Posts: 24  Freshman Member
Network Detective-New Adventure Badge First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary
edited November 2023 in Nebula

The current firmware v6.29P1 was released in mid-November last year, so about 9 months ago.

When can we expect an updated version?

My network has become so unreliable with v6.29P1 that I have a script that performs a simultaneous reboot of all APs every night to resolve the client "handshake" issues (amongst other things). Rebooting all the APs at once appears to clear the problem, while rebooting clients doesn't, nor rebooting individual APs. The problems can still develop in less than 24 hours, so I have to reboot them all again (but not often).

However, some of my IoT devices don't like the constant reboots of the Wi-Fi, and then fall off the network until I reboot those devices. So I can't "win" at the moment.

I've already had to turn off DCS and manually configure channels to keep things more stable as well.

I would go back to the previous version (v6.27P4, which wasn't this unstable), but v6.29 added Guest Wi-Fi features to the NWA55AXE, which I would be disappointed to loose, but would sacrifice to gain stability. I've just been holding out for a new patch release, but it doesn't seem to be coming?


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  • Posts: 1,280  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Lewpy

    Thank you for your update and feedback. 😊

    Regarding the abnormal key handshake failed case, we will fix it in the future official firmware release. Stay tuned to Site faviconWirelessLAN New Release

     for the latest update.



All Replies

  • Posts: 1,280  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security
    edited August 2023

    Hi @Lewpy

    The "blocked by key handshake fail" issue can stem from various causes. To gain insight into resolving this concern and improving your IoT devices connection stability, you may refer the following article for troubleshooting assistance:

    What does the 'blocked by key handshake fail' log mean and how to resolve the issue?

    How to resolve WiFi disconnection issues with IoT devices?

    If the issue persists despite following the recommended steps, please enable the Zyxel Support on NCC and provide us with your org/site name, along with the timestamp when the issue occurs. This will allow us to conduct a more in-depth investigation into your specific case.

    Regarding the upcoming firmware release for NWA 50/55/90 AX(E) SB model APs will be around Q4 this year. Stay updated on WirelessLAN New Release for any announcements.


  • Posts: 24  Freshman Member
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    Hi Kay,

    I've been through so many attempts to resolve the key handshake failure problem, but the only successful fix for me is a simultaneous reboot of all APs on the network. This seems to clear the "shared" client information in the APs and lets the affected clients back on the network.

    I also tried to create a dedicated 2.4Ghz IoT SSID, but it caused so much instability in the APs that I had to remove it within about an hour of creating it. Some APs rebooted and refused to broadcast any SSIDs until the new IoT SSID was removed from Nebula. I will attempt it again, when I can get a suitable "maintenance window" without annoying the rest of my family!

    I keep a regular eye on the Site faviconWirelessLAN New Release

    page already and the number of firmware releases this year (so far) is much lower than last year (for example).

    When you say "Q4 this year", I will assume you mean "Oct-Dec" (we in the UK have several different yearly calendars so it can be ambiguous!).



  • Posts: 1,280  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security

    Hi @Lewpy

    In order to provide you with more effective assistance and resolve the issue at hand, we kindly request that you activate Zyxel Support and share your org/site name with us.

    As you mentioned occurrences of certain APs rebooting and failing to broadcast SSIDs, we would greatly appreciate it if you could furnish us with the following information through a private message:

    1. The model and MAC addresses of the affected APs.
    2. If feasible, kindly furnish us with the model and MAC address details of the devices that experienced the key handshake failures.

    Your cooperation in this matter will greatly aid us in swiftly addressing the concerns you've raised.


  • Posts: 24  Freshman Member
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    Hi Kay,

    I have now created an "IoT" SSID (after negotiating a Wi-Fi maintenance downtime at home), which is 2.4Ghz only with no roaming assistance options enabled.

    Since doing this, one of my APs is spamming my SYSLOG server (about 12-15 messages a minute) with messages like this

    kernel: [xxxx.xxxx] illegal BA buffer size = 0

    kernel: [xxxx.xxxx] MakeCountryIe: reg_class is NULL !!!

    In fact, total Syslog usage appears to be up since creating the SSID

    The massive spike around 18:00 is when the SSID was created, and the small spike around 2am is when my scheduled reboot of all APs occurs.

    Annoyingly, the APs all give the hostname as their model name (rather than the name that I assign each unit), so all the NWA90AX logs are merged in to one in my log viewer (just using Synology's built in log centre, so nothing fancy).
    This is different to the Zyxel GS1920 network switches I have, which give their hostname as the name I have assigned them, so I can separate them in the log centre.

    Also, the APs don't seem to "confirm" to the BSD SYSLOG format, as the data is not matching the fields correctly (but could be Synology bug)



    I haven't tried using IETF format yet (would require creating a new listener on a different port in the Synology), but then why would Zyxel use one SYSLOG format for network switches and a different format for APs?

    My Roomba tried to reconnect to the IoT network after the APs were rebooted overnight, but kept getting kicked off due to

    Station: 80:a5:89:xx:xx:xx disconnected by Configuration Changed on Channel: 6, SSID: xxxxx-IoT, 2.4GHz, Signal: -40dBm, Download/Upload: 4769/3554 Bytes, reason 4, Interface: wlan-1-4

    So although the APs start advertising the SSID, it seems to keep making configuration changes for a short while after which kicks everything off: surely the AP should only start advertising the SSID when it is ready to do so after a reboot? It knows what the configuration is, so shouldn't have to keep altering the SSID configuration. It should be "set up SSID configuration then advertise", not "advertise SSID then set up the configuration".

    Or does an SSID configuration change get triggered when a new AP joins the network? During my scheduled reboot, they will all re-join at staggered times and maybe cause this? However, the IoT SSID is configured with no roaming assistance options, so not sure why it would be affected by the network gaining new APs.

    Anyway, I will need to reboot the Roomba to get it back on the network (it gets grumpy) and I will keep monitoring the IoT network performance.


  • Posts: 1,280  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security

    Hi @Lewpy

    one of my APs is spamming my SYSLOG server (about 12-15 messages a minute) with messages like this

    kernel: [xxxx.xxxx] illegal BA buffer size = 0

    kernel: [xxxx.xxxx] MakeCountryIe: reg_class is NULL !!!

    Currently, if your access points are operating in Nebula cloud mode, all events are logged by default. The logs you showing are the AP’s kernel logs.

    Annoyingly, the APs all give the hostname as their model name (rather than the name that I assign each unit), so all the NWA90AX logs are merged in to one in my log viewer (just using Synology's built in log centre, so nothing fancy).

    This is different to the Zyxel GS1920 network switches I have, which give their hostname as the name I have assigned them, so I can separate them in the log centre.

    Currently, the feature of synchronizing the AP’s device name on Nebula with the AP’s hostname/SysName isn’t yet available on SB model APs. However, we are actively working on launching this feature in an upcoming firmware release for SB model APs. Stay tuned on Site faviconWirelessLAN New Release

    for the latest update. Once this feature is implemented, you can refer to this article for configuration guidance:

    Can I change the system name of AP by Nebula?

    why would Zyxel use one SYSLOG format for network switches and a different format for APs?

    Regarding this, Zyxel switches and APs utilize distinct systems to generate Syslog messages, leading to variations in the resulting formats.

    My Roomba tried to reconnect to the IoT network after the APs were rebooted overnight, but kept getting kicked off due to

    Station: 80:a5:89:xx:xx:xx disconnected by Configuration Changed on Channel: 6, SSID: xxxxx-IoT, 2.4GHz, Signal: -40dBm, Download/Upload: 4769/3554 Bytes, reason 4, Interface: wlan-1-4

    Upon reboot, the APs operate with their previous configurations until they connect to the internet and synchronize with the Nebula Control Center. This synchronization ensures the APs have the most current settings. During this process, the APs reconfigure and re-broadcast the SSID, which may lead to client disconnections due to configuration changes.

    If you encounter any problem with your access points or require additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out with enabling Zyxel Support and sharing your org/site name.


  • Posts: 24  Freshman Member
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    Hi @Zyxel_Kay,

    And suddenly this evening, my Amazon Echo has been kicked off the Wi-Fi with the dreaded "key handshake fail" message.

    It hunts around between all the APs, and even switches Bands & SSIDs (I told it to move to the IOT SSID but Amazon remembers the AP SSID, even though I told Amazon to forget my Wi-Fi networks … apparently I have to deregister/re-register the device to clear it down. But that is a completely different problem).

    All APs were rebooted at 2am last night, and I bet if I reboot them all again now the Amazon Echo will join the network again without any changes to it.

    Is there any other information I can gather to help resolve this painful problem?


  • Posts: 1,280  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security

    Hi @Lewpy

    To better address this matter and provide you with a more precise solution, I kindly request that you enable Zyxel Support and provide us with your org/site name. This information will greatly aid our investigation into your site.

    Alternatively, kindly assist us by gathering diagnostic files from the affected APs, then send these files to us through a private message. For detailed instructions on how to collect the AP’s diagnostic information, please refer to this guide:

    How to collect the Nebula AP diagnostic info by GUI?


  • Posts: 24  Freshman Member
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    Hi @Zyxel_Kay,

    I have enabled Zyxel Support access, and PM'd you the details of my org/site.



  • Posts: 24  Freshman Member
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    Update: Zyxel Support looked at my Org/Site, and determined that my particular problems could be addressed by a datecode firmware (DF) update they have under testing. This was applied to my units by Zyxel two days ago, and so far this has addressed the issues I was having 😀

  • Posts: 1,280  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Lewpy

    Thank you for your update and feedback. 😊

    Regarding the abnormal key handshake failed case, we will fix it in the future official firmware release. Stay tuned to Site faviconWirelessLAN New Release

     for the latest update.



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