NSA 325 v2 and NFS
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Hi, I have a Zyxel NSA 325 V2 with FW 4.81.
I installed MetaRepo and refreshed the list of packages.
However, I do not find the NFS package:
Isn't it available anymore?
Thank you in advance
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Hi Cris,
looks like the list of packages is incomplete. You are missing more than just NFS.
I’m currently on the road, but will upload a zip that contains all stock packages for you to download, when I return. I’m pretty confident that I’ve still got that on my Fileserver.
All you’ll need to do after downloading it, is extracting it to the "\\*nas_name*\admin\zy-pkgs\" folder and the packages should start showing up.
Edit:Here is the link to download:
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Hi @FireBall !
I finally took the time to follow your instructions.
I uplodaed the package to the NAS and uncompressed it in the //NAS/admin/zy-pkgs directory.
The result was a bunch of packges in the subdirectory zyxel-fw4-zypkgs of the zy-pkgs directory.
That did not work as intended, as I could not see the packages from the NAS web interface.
So I moved all the packages directly under zy-pkgs, and this time I was able to see some of the additional packages. Not all, which is weird, but as I was able to see the NFS package I was already happy enough.
So I installed the NFS package, but, as soon as it finished installing, the list reverted to the old incomplete list, and no amount of refresh or "reload list from internet" made it complete again.
Also, I cannot see the NFS functionality anywhere. Where should it appear? Do I have to reboot the NAS?
Thank you in advance
Cris0 -
I just did another test: I created a new MyRepo directory under admin, then moved all the packages from the zip file under MyRepo. Then went to the MetaRepository configuration page and enabled the "Local" repository.
Unfortunately it did not help… any suggestions?
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Can someone reshare the package zip file ? I also dont have alot of the modules and cannot install them !!!
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