Where is the "Nail-UP" or "Keep Alive" or "Dead Peer Detection" ?
I cannot maintain a VPN connection. The VPN connects once, then fails after a minute or two, then never reconnects back unless I manually uncheck, save, recheck the connection to force initial connect. Need it nailed up! I tried with, and without the 1-1 nat policy applied. Same results. 2022-11-11 14:59:00 VPN…
Nebula Switch - RSTP or Loop Guard ?
Hello everyone, I see that on Nebula is impossible to have RSTP and Loop Guard active at the same time, if you try to have both you get this error: "You cannot enable loop guard and spanning tree on a port at the same time" I tried to have both active because I saw this link: Here you read that "Loop guard is a feature…
Nebula App crash when tap on NR7101
Hello, I have an outdoor router 5G that forces the Nebula App to crash when tapping on it. Cache of the app just cleaned, but no differences:
Add Client VLAN Field
On the Clients > Switch Clients page there is an "Add Client" button. I understand that I can use this to give a MAC address a name before it ever connects to the network. But, what does the VLAN field do? I would assume this would let me force the MAC address onto a certain VLAN when it comes online, but I've tried it and…
Missing the name of devices after cloning site to a new organization
When I clone a site to another organization (using the Cross-Org site clone with device movement), in the new organization I lost all device name. How can I keep the device name in the new organization ? Otherwise, how can I move a device to another site keeping his configuration ?
Upgrading Device License to PRO from Active PLUS License
Hello, right now our organization is in Plus Pack status because of a switch which has a Nebula Plus Pack license (all other devices have a Nebula Professional Pack one). We have bought and assigned a Nebula Professional Pack license to it but the Nebula Plus Pack one is already active and no upgrade organization type…
Why my FWA710 doesn't keep DNS servers?
Hi, my FWA710 doesn't want to keep my DNS servers in "Home networking"→"my_lan_1". I've tried to set and reboot, they were still there, but after 1/2 days, when logged in i can see DNS servers of my ISP, even if is still selected "manual" with those addresses. And why i have to reselect "my_lan_1" every time i get into…
Nebula-NR5101 Firmware Upgrade Procedure
I want to upgrade the Nebula-NR5101 firmware. It seems that three firmware updates have been released. Should I apply all of them? Or is it enough to apply the last one only?
Zyxel AX1800 Dual-Band WiFi6 Wireless Cloud
I have 8 of these access point with my house, all conected to a the same switch. The all have the same SSD. In topology I can check the usage of the wifi. It could be 2.4, 5 or 6 but on 6, I don't ave any device. I don't know why. the majority of devices are connected to the band 2.4 even thought the devices are pretty…
USG Flex Backup WAN Connection - Timer?
Dear all, I saw the description how to set up a backup wan connection. see below… My question would be, how fast does it switch from primary wan connection to backup wan connection in case of failure? Could I set up the time to switch to backup wan? br Andreas
External Captive Portal User Authorization
Hi, I'm trying to create an external captive portal to work with Zyxel Nebula. I need any documentation regarding how a user will be authorized. This normally entails sending an HTTP request at a certain address, and with some query parameters or some values in the body. Looking forward to a response.
Devices "Expiration Date" column doesn't sort in License and Inventory
Within Organization-wide > License & inventory > Devices tab, the column for Expiry Date doesn't sort, whereas all the other columns do. It would be really helpful if this could be fixed / implemented as it would help with managing expiry dates and shuffling queued licenses around between devices. Thanks!
How to remove device from portal.myzyxel.com?
Hi, I have an access point in the list of devices that I need to remove in order to register it on another account. You can help me? Thanks
Intel Dual-Band Wireless-AC 7265 not connecting with SCR50AXE
Hello, I have a company where I placed an SCR50AXE. I am able to connect a lot of devices via WiFi to this security router but I am unable to connect a Windows11 with Intel Dual-Band Wireless-AC 7265 onboard. Consider that this laptop is able to connect to other Zyxel APs, just to give you an example. How is it possible ?
I want firewall USG20-vpn to show up with factory settings when added to Nebula cloud
Right now it always get setup with previous settings, but i can`t find the menu where I can delete this presets for firewall
How to enable SNMP AP nwa50ax
I have already did it in nebula cloud, my ap were updated, but I can't use snmp Then i try to look via cli: Router(config)# show snmp status active : no port : 161 version : v2c contact : support@zyxel.com.tw location : get community : public set community : public trap : yes informs : yes trap host : none trap community:…
Router gets everyday ofline
Router get everday online and have to reset to get connecties again
SCR50AXE guest network
Hello. I am trying to setup a guest WiFi with my SCR50AXE router. I have followed below instructions but it doesn't seem to work. My PC gets IP address but there isn't internet connection. The other WiFi without the guest network works just fine. What would you suggest to check next?
SCR50AXE Random Reboots
This happens numerous times through out the day, tried a replacement PSU from another SCR but still same. There is also nothing in the logs and no regular pattern. Any suggestions?
Average Response Time (ART) mac-table flush
Hi all! How can I automate the process of cleaning the mac address table. Due to the frequent use of Apple technique and the constant change of mac address, I have overflow. Where can I find the configuration in nebula?