NWA130BE - Country Code Change
Hi There Zyxel community, I am located in Canada and recently rolled out my NWA130BE AP which was purchased online from the US store. I am wondering how to change my country code on this unit? I've followed several references online from other Zyxel Aps, but neither the GUI or SSH options seem to work. Currently, my…
firmware NWA130BE
Where can I get latest firmware for NWA130BE
Unexpected error
I've got recently a scr50axe router and I wanted to use the application management function. Unfortunately every time I try to activate the function I get an unexpected error. Other question: is there some function to test the network speed? Maybe also from the app? @Zyxel_CSO Thanks
What is the GUI username and password for my switch?
My switch is GS1915-24EP. It has been registered with Nebula, but I also want to use ZON's Gui for control operations. Then user and password he said Please use the local credential password on NCC to login. How do I find it? What about your user and password?
Smartphone does not connect to the network
I've got some Accesspoints (NWA 50ax, NWA210ax etc.)that I have been using the last few months with an old TP Link router. Recently I switched to a Zyxel scr50ax as the network router. Since the change my smartphone (Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S) can not connect to the Network. However If I remove the scr50ax from the SSID the…
VPN orchestrator full tunnel for remote site
Hello, I would like to use VPN orchestrator to force all traffic from remote site to use the headquarter internet connection. I see only the option Site-to-Site, but it seems to me that only LAN traffic is coming to headquarter while the internet traffic is exiting directly from local network. Is there any other option…
DNS Registration for VPN Clients (Client to Side)
Since we changed our Firewall from a USG60 to ATP500 and switched to Nebula the client registration (VPN-Client) on the AD DNS-Server is not working anymore. The VPN Client can resolve all hostnames on the network. But on the network the VPN Client hostname cannot be resolved. It seems like the dhcp which for the vpn is…
XGS2220-30HP teaming ports
Hello, I have to install 2 switches inside a new Company. I would like to know if using the XGS2220-30HP inside Nebulal (so not on premise), with its latest firmware, it is possible to team 4 gigabit ports and use this teaming to exchange data between switches. This would be a temporary solution until we will link both…
How do I disable SIP ALG in NCC
Hi! I have mistakenly enabled the SIP ALG on two of my firewalls bit am havon problems.with my IP phones now. When I try to disable SIP ALG in NCC and click the green save button, it does not save the settings instead the button turns grey and I get a message on top of the screen that I am on the base versio of NCC. What…
VLAN group for a ssid
Hello there, I'm really new to Zyxel technology, and I'm working in a company where we would like to set up several VLANs for the network. The idea is to create 6 VLANs with 61 IPs each. When a VLAN is full, another VLAN will accommodate the new devices. I would like to know where or how I can do that with Zyxel Nebula.…
How do you list Summary Report emails by Organzation?
We support dozens of different organizations. Some of the organizations have multiple sites. It would be helpful to be able to sort the summary report emails by organization, then site, followed by the various summary report name. Listing all of an organizations reports in a contiguous order makes for a much clearer…
NTP Update Failed
I have two sites connected to one NCC. One site has 9 NWA210AX AP's and another has only 1 NWA210AX AP. I'm checking the event logs on both sites and I get a lot of "NTP Update Failed" entries there even though I don't see any time issues. How can I troubleshoot this? @Zyxel_CSO
Nebula version
How to Update Nebula version ?
Zyxel nebula fwa510 firmware?
Hello. Just bought this router. I have searched like crazy, but cant find out where i can find firmwares for it? The zyxel air-app doesnt work. When i click "check firmware upgrade" it gives error "accessing device with error. Please try again later". And when i access router via i dont have any option to check…
many disconnects on NWE130BE based on Wifi 6E with Intel AX211
Hi, I´m working now a few days with the new NWE130BE. I see a lot of WLAN disconnections with my Windows-Laptop (using AX211 with latest driver and Win11) based on Wifi6E. My Macs, Iphones, etc (all based on Wifi6, not 6E) work well. A lot of messages like: Station: XXX disconnected by Intra Roaming on Channel: 40, SSID:…
Two switches showing offline in nebula after NCC upgrade.
Hi we have over 10 GS-1920 switches. Now 2 switches are offline in nebula. I can still ping these 2 switches, and because of no complaints from users, i suppose those are also working. Also with all switches configurations are missing in NCC and when clicking edit button it opens some dissorted view. Tried with two…
Switch page issues after NCC 18.00 launch
This discussion has been moved.
Unlock device
Please help me to unlock this device that has locked from the first user y brother) and now we can't unlock because we're unable to do it by the website. I attach you the pictures of the AP <Due to the privacy concern, the device's picture has been removed>
Radom missing options in Configure tab
Hello, it happens that some time, randomly and with different sites I cannot see some options inside Configure panel Here attached a panel related to a Company that has a Firewall (USG100 in Nebula mode) but Nebula webpage does not show me the way to configure the firewall. After some time, various values, when I force the…
IP adress change USG FLEX 100 nebula
Hi @all How can I change IP adress of USG FLEX 100 with Nebula? Default IP is I need IP adress I read in Google that you can reserve the IP using a MAC address. I don't know which MAC is meant by this. The process also seems a bit unsafe to me. What is the right way?