Issue Sérial and MAC NR5101- OK FINISH
Hello community, I just bought a nice NR5101. But now its serial number and MAC number is not taken into account to register it. I do not understand why . A bug or something else? Thank you in advance for any help you can give me in order to register my device.
Howto prevent devices other than the WAP connect to the ethenet calble running to that WAP
hi, I have a WAP setup in my garden and want to prevent that the ethetnet cable(When removen from the WAP can be used to plug into another device to acces my network. How can this be done? I have a GS1915-24EP switch installed. Kr
SCR50AXE Not Working In Nebula
Anyone had a luck getting this to work? I followed the setup guide but appliance is always offline in NCC. Devices connected to it have internet access though. Tried with 2 different WAN connections offering DHCP and PPPOE with same result.
NWA210AX Console Port
Hi All I have AP that went down today and I want to see if the appliance is accessible via CLI. I have the USB TTL cable but I cannot find any reference material regarding the Pin Out. Can anyone help? There is a triangle under 1 pin which I assume to be pin 1?
NR7101 not able to connect to Nebula Cloud (offline)
Hi My NR7101 is up and running for a few days. I registered the router on the Nebula platform but it show all the time offline. After some research I tried to follow this article. https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/4417069845138-NCC-How-to-add-a-nebula-Mobile-Router-into-Nebula But on the dashboard of my device is…
Important Update: Discontinuation of Facebook Wi-Fi Authentication Service
Dear Valued User, As Meta has decided to retire the Facebook Wi-Fi service, we regret to inform you that Facebook Wi-Fi authentication feature will no longer be available from June 12th, 2023. If you have been using Facebook Wi-Fi authentication, we recommend changing other authentication method as soon as possible on…
SmartMesh extremely unstable on two NWA50AX
Hi there, Recently I'm having a lot of issues with my two NWA50AX, one connected via Ethernet to the main network, and the other connected to the first one as a smart mesh repeater. They will work for a couple of hours and then the wireless one will be unable to connect. If I go into the event log I see some “Wrong WPA2…
ISP WAN Settings Changed
I recently switched ISP where the WAN settings differ from the previous ISP. The switchover happened without being notified to when this would happen so I can no longer access my USG20-VPN through Nebula or locally. Are there any methods to update the WAN settings? Or if a factory reset is needed, can I restore all other…
USG Flex : How to identify blocked websites by content filtering
Hi everyone, I have set up a content filter on all outgoing connections from LAN1 in Nebula for my USG Flex 100. It works properly but I don't know how to identify which websites have been blocked or not in the Event Log. Categories have been selected in the "Custom" filtering rule. When checking the FW logs, I can see…
Android Nebula App SSL error
I've recently started to receive an SSL error when I open the Nebula App for Android. After clicking start on the landing screen a modal window with the error pops up above the screen where you would enter login credentials. The error states: "SSL error occurred. Would you like to proceed?" with options to cancel or…
mac-filtering on switch
Hi. Where do we set the mac-filtering on the switch port to only allow one particular mac-address to be connected to the switch?
I recently started using the ZyXEL WiFi 6 AX1800 , several have stop functioning.Why?.
I have deployed 40,50 AX1800 at several motels. For no apparent reason, at least 5 have just stopped working. I have tried to trouble shoot, but nothing works. Each AP is broadcasting the SSID as Zyxel mesh. Every AP was on Nebula and working fine. This will be a huge issue for me if this continues. I will need to replace…
what is exactly nebula zyxel captive portal external url ?
Hello everyone, still didn't fully understand how to put the external URL of captive portal and it will be great if i could find the solution after reading documentation of nebula you can modify the shown interface from nebula or you can export and modify web pages so i downloaded the nebula zyxel captive portal zip and i…
How to do domain port forwarding ?
Hello How can I map: to foo.local to bar.local In the router config ? I know how to map to foo.local, but I did not find an option to specify a port. Is it possible ?
Zywall vs Flex
What is the difference between Zywall and the new Flex version? Are they both compatible with all features found through Nebula?
NWA50AX throws all clients of suddenly
I have 4 NWA50AX around in an open office and normally it works flawlessly. But at random times when a handful of people sit together near the same AP, it throws ALL clients on the AP off. I can't see anything in the log file, that should be the reason for this. What can I do, to make it actually stable in a working…
Problems in Logfile of NWA50AX
what does this mean and is this explaining connection problems like "wrong password" (whereas the PW is definitely correct) ? Station+++: disconnected by STA timeout on Channel: 36, SSID: +++, 5GHz, Signal: -81dBm, Download/Upload: 751191/207752 Bytes, reason 107, Interface: wlan-2-12023-05-08 13:11:07++++ LANStation: ++++…
Connection refused, reason8. resolved after reboot?
Senario: AP refuise new connections from clients. There is traffic but only form connected clients. After a reboot of the AP evertyting works normal again, accapting new connections. info of setup: Model: NWA110AX Configuration status: Up to date Firmware availability:Up to date Current version: V6.55(ABTG.1) (Latest) Log…
NCC scheduling SSID
Hey, I have a nwa50ax AP, using NCC and want to set up a schedule to enable wifi for certain time periods. I found this article but I can't find the settings in my NCC. I find the configure settings, where are WiFi SSID and AP settings but I can't find it anywhere. Can someone help me scheduling WLAN?
NWA50AX - after some time of use (several hours) is not responding (wifi disappears etc ...
NWA50AX - after some time of use (several hours) AP is not responding (wifi disappears etc ...). After reboot (power OFF/ON) is working 1+ hour and the situation repeats itself. Firmware is latest - V6.29(ABYW.1). I tried working AP in standalone and in nebula mode and result is the same.... In log's nothing specials…