[NEBULA] Client Monitoring
Hi Leute Ich habe diverse Fragen zu Client Monitoring und Statistiken. Zuerst kurz ne Info, was ich alles im Einsatz habe: 1x NSG 100 1x GS1920-24HP 2x AP NWA5123-AC HD Nebula Pro Ist es wirklich nicht möglich länger als 30 Tage zurückzuverfolgen wie viele Clients auf den APs eingebucht waren und an welchen Tagen, oder…
[NEBULA] NSG 100 Haut mir Ping und Übertragungsrate zusammen
Hallo, ich Nutze seit 3 Monaten ein NSG100, dies macht eine PPPOE einwahl an einem Modem. nun hatten wir immer wieder große Probleme mit dem Ping, er war teilweise bei 400 obwohl die Internetleitung, eine VDSL2 50k Leitung keine Probleme hat, der Ping hier ist Normal bei 19ms. Nun nach erfolglos getauschtem Modem als…
ALG Configuration to NCC
Is possible to configure ALG over SSH session, but if the device is rebooted, is necessary reconfigure manually. It is important to add this feature on NCC.
Is there really a limit of 20 Static IPs???
I'm starting to have serious misgivings about buying these NSG50 gateways instead of USG40s. First I discover you can't apply different Content Filter/App Patrol profiles to different networks. Now I'm trying to setup a network with a number of existing static IP devices and I get an error saying the limit is 20 items?…
VLAN Tags on NSG100
Need for VLAN Taggging on NSG100/NSG50 on WAN-Ports like on any other Firewall.
Make Traffic Shaping available on Nebula Free
I was unhappy to find that Traffic Shaping is only a feature of Nebula Pro. This is a basic feature, it doesn't require any continual updates from Zyxel and should not be subscription based. This is a big problem for us.
Vlan tagging on Wan interface
Hi I am testing a Nebula device. I was not able to configure a vlan tagging on wan interface. So the device is not able to reach the nebula center. I did not find any CLI document for NSG devices. I am able to connect to the device via console port, so i think i will able to configure the vlan tagging on wan interface if a…
more Policy Route
Currently we can only configure 20 Policy Routes. i would like to add more than 20 policies.
Replace self-signed certificate on GS1920-24HPv2
Hello, How to replace the self-signed certificate on the GS1920-24HPv2 switch? Seems to not be possible over GUI nor over SSH?! Firmware: V4.60(ABMI.0) | 01/20/2020 Thank you in advance.
Is there a list of Nebula supported switches which support Qiq (IEEE 802.1Q)
Photo rotation of Access Points in NCC
I noticed that a photo taken with an iPhone, uploaded to the computer and then added to the NCC as location of the AP, the picture is rotated 90 degrees. The photo is shown correctly on the iPhone and computer, but in the portal it is on its side. It does not matter if you pre-rotate the picture on your computer before…
[NEBULA] How to set up a Deny Group
I come from the USG series and utilized heavily the Address Group feature inside the Object-Address area to create a DENY_LIST which I could add various addresses that I did not want trying to access our network. Below is a similar group named ALLOW_LIST from one of our old USG's which had various IP's added to it. How is…
Smart mesh - allow WiFi linked AP's to automatically attach to stronger signal
I have a site with 3 AP's. One of them is using Smart Mesh with a wireless uplink. On occasion, it will connect to the wired AP that has a much weaker signal than the other. A reboot will fix it. Can the AP scan once every hour or less to see if there is a better signal AP for it to attach to?
How can I improve nap203 settings to prevent "unstable internet" during remote conference?
I frequently get message unstable internet when using conference software (goto meeting, zoom, webex, skype, etc). I have a nap203 (next to a couple of nap102 in house). However, when checking: - internet connection speed: ping is 8-15ms, download >150mbps, upload >18mbps. - it even happens when I put the nap203, 2-3m away…
[NEBULA] Routing on NSG100 when using Server-and-Client VPN
Hi How can I set up a route from a PC that is connected to an NSG100 that is set up as Client in a Server-and-Client VPN setup to a network connected to nsg100 that is Server in this VPN connection? Routing from client to server See attachments
Notepad and task
I want a notepad and the task to do for each site for monitoring the work. An overview when you log in For us will be super cool Just an example : If someone don't finish its job he can to let a note or to let a task to do for finish Thanks a lot
[NEBULA] constant disconecction issue
Hello, in one site have 6 AP NWA1123-ACv2, 4 wired and 2 Wireless Uplink, One of these AP have constatd disconection, I attach a picture for 7 days operation and attach a log for these ap. Can you help me to solve this issue?
Hey, in the Access Point View i got this Template Issue
[NEBULA] Access Points VLAN
Hallo, ich verstehe die Konfiguration in Nebula nicht so ganz und hoffe mir kann das jemand erklären. Vermutlich nur eine Einstellung die ich übersehe. Ich habe zwei Standorte mit derzeit folgender Hardware: Site 1: SBG5500 + GS1920-08HPv2 + NWA1123-ACv2 Site 2: SBG5500 + GS1920-48HPv2 + NWA1123-ACv2 Die Switsche habe ich…
cant register AP as it is still registered with previous nebula account
I can't set up the AP as i don't know the previous account holder to have them remove the device from their account. #Biz_Mar_2020