NWA110AX Enable layer 2 isolation
Salve, abbiamo attivato il parametro in oggetto per creare su un' unica Vlan ( la 1 nativa ) due reti. Le due reti hanno lo stesso gateway ma non devono comunicare. Quali sono i parametri esatti che devo attivare per isolare le due reti senza che comunichino ma possano navigare entrambe? L'access point è: MAC…
Totaly lost with modern Zyxel hardware firewall products
Hi Back in 2014, I have bought a ZyWALL USG 50. It was easy to setup, easy to understand the licensing, and a good product. Now in 2021, I might have to renew my ZyWALL with a modern solution, but it's pretty unclear, and I'm totally lost about the Zyxel product descriptions. a. What is the difference between ATM and USG…
ZyWALL USG 50 : how to buy a licence ?
Hi I have added my product SERIAL NUMBER, MAC and MODEL into the following page : https://portal.myzyxel.com/my/devices However, I'm unable to buy any licence for my USG 50. Is the product still supported by the Zyxel team ? Do i need to buy a more recent product ? Thank you
Security License
I have registered and linked a new bundle license to our USG40W. Does it take some time for the license 'days left' to update as it is not showing the new license period now.thanks.
License for my USG200
I bought some License (UTM Security Pack (1 Year) for USG FLEX 200) for my USG200 still get the Mail that its expiring in 2 weeks. Whats wrong - payed more than EUR 400. I hope that the money is not lost.
Licence Expiry NSG 100
Hi I had this email today, I assume I can ignore it as we only use our NSG100 for opening certain ports and allowing about 10 users to connect via VPN cloud authentication? Many Thanks Dear Customer, Your access to the license service is about to expire in 60 days. Renew today without interruptions to your cloud service.…
Unlink a device from Myzyxel/Secureporter
I'd like to unlink my device from *any* service which is off our premises - may it MyZyxel, SecuReporter or whatever. How can I do that?
Additional licence not activated correctly
Hi, I purchased a renewal for our USG110 this morning, completely forgetting that I'd already purchased a bundle from a website in the UK. I applied the one bought through the Zyxel marketplace, which extended the cover to 366 days. I then added the bundle serial number and it was Activated correctly, but it has not…
USG20-VPN upgrade from v4.31 to v4.65
Hi there,i'm planning to upgrade the 4/2018 firmware of the firewall.In the Release Note doc of the new firmware (4.65(ABAQ.1)) there is a note stating:**"Recommended upgrade to ZLD4.62 Patch0 or later version first before upgrading to ZLD4.65. "** Does it means i have to download/install the 4.62 firmware first ?And, if…
USG 110 IDP License
Hi everyone, my local Zyxel reseller told me that the license "LIC-IDP-ZZ0028F" for the USG 110 series is no longer available. Has it been replaced by something else or what ? Regards
Remove a device from myzyxel
I want to remove a device from myZyxel. Why is it, that I cannot do it, without your interference?
How to Activate Zyxel Cloud Email Security
License behaviors are as follows: Trial License * If the user
purchased the standard service before the free trial period has expired, the
remaining trial period will be upgraded to the standard service. Standard License * If the user
purchased the same standard service before the existing standard service has
License Nebula
Hi, I received a mail that my license to Nebula is almost ending. I do have a couple of questions: * Does my access point still work if i do not renew the license? * It's not very clear to me how to get a new license, should i go to: https://marketplace.zyxel.com/license/detail/Nebula Control Center select Nebula Control…
CDR License
Hi all, i have a Nebula Control Center Pro License and a Security Subscription (UTM). Both are active. Based on the kb (Collaborative Detection & Response (CDR) – Zyxel Support Campus EMEA) to have a full workling CDR Nebula Pro and UTM License is necessary. But is it a must to have also a Configured Org and a Site in…
Transfer of AP's and Switches
I am a managed service provider. Recently my company inherited 2 - GS1920-48HP switches, 1 - NAP203, 1 - NWA1123-ACv2 and 4 - WAC6303D-S access points. Upon registering on the site, setting up an account for my clients company I tried to register the devices I inherited. I receive a message "Device has already been…
USG20-VPN Won't finish 4.20 Firmware Upload
We have waited over 24hours and our USG20-VPN is still doing the "Firmware Upload in Progress" What are the remedies to get this installed. We can't get to the most recent firmware until this one is installed per your insructions. Help.....
Old VPN licenses
I have a 5-license of the "old" VPN-client for the USG-60W and now I am wondering if I can use my old payed license or if I can upgrade. Or in worst case have to buy a new license for the SecuExtender VPN Client.
how to change account registration on zyxel usg 40?
i registered zyxel usg 40 with my personal email address and i would like to change it to office account.
SecuReporter errors
on the 17-07 I have updated the firmware on my two USG-110 to 4.65, but on that moment (I Think...), the firewall can't contact the server of SecuReporter and the logs on both firewall reporting this:
654 2021-07-19 10:23:23 debug default MZC:[SecuReporter] https_post status_code=500
665 2021-07-19…
Прброс RDP на USG60.
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