Repository not visible in NSA325-v2 FW 4.81


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  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Tomalamix said:
    Afterwards the NSA system populated the folder again but still no able to retrieve any list, buttons are all grayed out.
    The package system used to be very picky on the content of ZYPKG_INFO.tgz. On older firmwares (3.x) it even freaked out when you had a package installed which was no longer available according to ZYPKG_INFO.tgz. But in later revisions that was solved.
    You should be able to download the generated ZYPKG_INFO.tgz file from

    Tomalamix said:
    How safe is for my backed up data to use the RESET button in the back of the unit?
    That should be completely safe. The reset doesn't touch your data, it only erases some flash partition containing settings.

  • Thank you for spending time on this
  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Ok, in System Setting - Firmware/Packages in the "Package" tab everything is grayed out, I can't do anything. 

    The "ZYPKG_INFO.tgz.log" have the following inside:
    HandleZYPKG_INFO /NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg
    FindApp md5sum found /sbin/md5sum
    ReadConfig Repositories
    Start of block
    /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ Local
    End of block
    8 start: 01:44:23
    9 start: 01:44:23
    7 start: 01:44:23
    7: FetchZYPKG_INFO /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ 7
    8: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    7: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    9: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    7: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_md0_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed
    7: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKGS /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_md0_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed
    7: Failed
    7 stop: 01:44:24
    8: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_.tmp failed
    8: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_.tmp failed
    8: Failed
    8 stop: 01:44:25
    9: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/ftp___ftp2.zyxel.com_NSA325-v2_4.80_zypkg_.tmp succeeded
    9 stop: 01:44:26
    Nothing changed
    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz - succeeded

    The log file "zypkg.log" have the following inside:
    Request: /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin_2.0_arm_009.zpkg
    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    Fetch - succeeded

    I see several failed operations in the ZYPKG_INFO.tgz.log log but i can't understand what to do.

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Ok, in System Setting - Firmware/Packages in the "Package" tab everything is grayed out, I can't do anything. 

    The "ZYPKG_INFO.tgz.log" have the following inside:
    HandleZYPKG_INFO /NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg
    FindApp md5sum found /sbin/md5sum
    ReadConfig Repositories
    Start of block
    /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ Local
    End of block
    8 start: 01:44:23
    9 start: 01:44:23
    7 start: 01:44:23
    7: FetchZYPKG_INFO /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ 7
    8: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    7: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    9: FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    7: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_md0_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed
    7: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/MyRepo/ZYPKGS /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/_i-data_md0_admin_MyRepo_.tmp failed
    7: Failed
    7 stop: 01:44:24
    8: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_.tmp failed
    8: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/http___downloads.zyxel.nas-central.org_Users_Mijzelf_zypkg-repo_.tmp failed
    8: Failed
    8 stop: 01:44:25
    9: Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/ftp___ftp2.zyxel.com_NSA325-v2_4.80_zypkg_.tmp succeeded
    9 stop: 01:44:26
    Nothing changed
    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    Fetch /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz - succeeded

    The log file "zypkg.log" have the following inside:
    Request: /i-data/md0/admin/zy-pkgs/MetaRepository/NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg/PHP-MySQL-phpMyAdmin_2.0_arm_009.zpkg
    FindApp curl found /usr/bin/curl
    Fetch - succeeded

    I see several failed operations in the ZYPKG_INFO.tgz.log log but i can't understand what to do.

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Ok, i've emptied the \admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository\ folder and restarted the NAS
    Mijzelf said:
    Tomalamix said:
    Nothing changed
    MetaRepository has to sift the downloaded ZYPKG_INFO files, to glue them together to a meta file. This is quite expensive, and so the MD5 sums of the downloaded files are stored. As long as they don't change, no new meta file will be generated.
    I think your database is corrupted. You can reset it by removing the content of <NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository\, and requesting a new update.
    Afterwards the NSA system populated the folder again but still no able to retrieve any list, buttons are all grayed out. But Then i tried to backup and rename "ZYPKGS" and "web_prefix", restarted the NAS and now it works, everything is populated in the MetaRepository folder and new "ZYPKGS" and "web_prefix" were created. Nice :+1: is dead. The repository can now be found here:

    About this, how can i change that?

    Thanks again!

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Ok, i've emptied the \admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository\ folder and restarted the NAS
    Mijzelf said:
    Tomalamix said:
    Nothing changed
    MetaRepository has to sift the downloaded ZYPKG_INFO files, to glue them together to a meta file. This is quite expensive, and so the MD5 sums of the downloaded files are stored. As long as they don't change, no new meta file will be generated.
    I think your database is corrupted. You can reset it by removing the content of <NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\MetaRepository\, and requesting a new update.
    Afterwards the NSA system populated the folder again but still no able to retrieve any list, buttons are all grayed out. But Then i tried to backup and rename "ZYPKGS" and "web_prefix", restarted the NAS and it worked during the first restart, everything is populated in the MetaRepository folder and new "ZYPKGS" and "web_prefix" were created again. After I restarted the NAS all back to the same, all guttons grayed out and list empty. is dead. The repository can now be found here:

    About this, how can i change that?

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary

    How can i change that configuration?
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    Tomalamix said:
    How can i change that configuration?
    In the webinterface of MetaRepository.
    I see several failed operations in the ZYPKG_INFO.tgz.log log but i can't understand what to do.
    I think you misunderstood me. The firmware package manager is designed to fetch 1 package database from 1 server. MetaRepository is an 'in between' server, which fetches package databases from several servers, and combines them to a single package database. (ZYPKG_INFO.tgz), transparently. That server runs on your NAS, on port 59999. So you can download the combined package by entering http://<NAS-IP>:59999/NSA325-v2/4.80/zypkg/ZYPKG_INFO.tgz in your browser. (And if you had 2 ZyXEL NASses, you could let one use MetaRepository on the other, by using a web_prefix http://<NAS-IP>:59999 instead of http://localhost:59999).

  • Tomalamix
    Tomalamix Posts: 64  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Sorry to did not follow this for so long, I had some things to take care, but I'm back.

    I've made a backup of all important stuff inside the NAS and done the RESET that takes everything down. Like you've said my data is all there.

    About the repository all is in the same way, empty. Im becoming desperate here, this is really strange, even after a RESET things dont go normal. In my "desperate mode" I've emptied the folder "\\NSA325-V2\admin\zy-pkgs" and left only folders "MetaRepository" and "ffp", all other files deleted.

    After this I went to the tab "Packages" in "System Setting - Firmware/Packages". I could retrieve a list but MetaRepository isn't there to be installed. I went to "\\NSA325-V2\admin\zy-pkgs" folder and now there is a ZYPKGS file dated from 2016/10/28.

    Then I went to manually install the new repository, I've put the file "web_prefix" in "\\NSA325-V2\admin\zy-pkgs" folder and then i got this message:

    Package NameVersionNew Version

    I pressed OK and nothing happens except now the list in tab "Packages" in "System Setting - Firmware/Packages" is empty again and all buttons are greyed out.

    I've done more tests but none of those is working. This should be easier after a HARD RESET.

    Thank you!
  • Mijzelf
    Mijzelf Posts: 2,858  Guru Member
    250 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    I think you'd better uninstall MetaRepostory, and start over with a fresh web_prefix.

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