HP OfficeJet Pro 9022e keeps losing connection to wireless network


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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    edited November 2023

    MAC: <hide due to privacy>

  • Zyxel_Nami
    Zyxel_Nami Posts: 659  Zyxel Employee
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    edited November 2023

    Hello @PimK82

    We have noticed that the APs haven't been rebooted yet. Could you please proceed with the printing now?

    We have accessed the APs and confirmed that they can ping both the printer and your Pim-Korvers-MBP.

    Could you try printing again from this laptop?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    I've setup the reboot schedule for Monday's at 7:00 and 7:30AM, why didn't it reboot then?

    I've tried printing and still can't print. Website of the printer is also not available and I can't ping either.

  • Zyxel_Nami
    Zyxel_Nami Posts: 659  Zyxel Employee
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    Hello @PimK82

    I have just checked the event logs, two APs have been rebooted by schedule at Nov 13, 7:00 and 7:30 as below:

    Could you attempt to reboot the printer? We noticed that its signal is good but the rate seems rather low. Also, please check if the printer has sleeping mode.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    I've already rebooted the printer this morning. No change at all. I've rebooted it again.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    No response unfortunately.

  • Zyxel_Nami
    Zyxel_Nami Posts: 659  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @PimK82

    We have collected diagnostic information from the two APs and will try to reproduce your environment and investigate the issue.

    Please wait for our update. Thanks for your understanding.


  • Zyxel_Nami
    Zyxel_Nami Posts: 659  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate

    Hello @PimK82

    Based on the diagnostic information we collected at the time of the issue, there were no fluctuations in the transmission (TX) and reception (RX) bytes of the printer, while other clients on the network showed an increase in these metrics. This suggests that your printer might indeed be entering a sleep mode.

    Regarding the HP OfficeJet Pro 9022e's specifications, this printer supports the 802.11a/b/g/n wireless standards. It means the printer can connect to both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies, thanks to the 802.11n standard.

    Given these factors, we suggest configuring your printer to connect exclusively to a 2.4GHz-enabled SSID. This could be beneficial in achieving a more stable connection.

    Besides, please help to check if your printer's firmware is up to date.


  • Zyxel_Nami
    Zyxel_Nami Posts: 659  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    edited November 2023

    Hello @PimK82

    I hope you're doing well. I wanted to update you on our ongoing monitoring and analysis of your Site and APs.

    Since last Friday, we have been continuously observing your site and have implemented a continuous ping test from the APs to the Printer. These tests have been successful so far.

    We've noticed an issue where the negotiation rate and latency appear to be correlated:

    • Last Friday, when the issue occurred, the negotiation rate was relatively low, and the ping was failed at the first time, after that it could ping but the latency was high, around 100-300 ms.
    • However, during this week, the Printer's rate has returned to normal, and the latency is low (1-2 ms). This leads us to suspect that a low link rate may be causing the ping and print failures.

    In case the issue reoccurs, please connect your laptop (Laptop A) to the Switch, ensuring that the WiFi on the laptop is turned off. Then, attempt to print from Laptop A and inform us of the results.

    Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work towards resolving this issue.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0  Freshman Member
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    edited November 2023

    Hi Nami,

    I've split the SSID's with one for the 5Ghz-6Ghz band and one for the 2,4Ghz band, based on HP and your earlier request beginning this year. HP also said that the printer performs best on one band. The printer was solely connected to the 5Ghz band until now.
    That 5Ghz band was advised by HP as the best band for the new kind of printers they produced.

    I've just switched the printer to 2,4Ghz band and will test the outcome in the coming days.

    I will let you know how it goes.

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