Mesh doesnt work: 2 x NWA55AXE
I have configured 2 NWA55AXE as access points. I have enabled smart mesh. In the "Access points" monitor, it only ever shows an empty uplink AP. When I detach one of the devices from the lan, it loses connection. I dont see any way to debug/diagnose this issue in nebula.
Station: <MAC ADDRESS> blocked by Unknown!
I went to dinner, then came home and none of my devices will connect to the 2 APs that I have. I tried restarting via the Nebula portal and just unplugging the devices, nothing works. I just installed these 2 days ago and it's my first Zyxel product. Not impressed.
Transfer devices to a new system administrator
first i will explain in what kind of situation we are. We are in transistion with our company to be a much more professional MSP. So we are looking into the possibilities of Nebula, and all other aspects to be a full MSP. So i got the question: What if a current customer of us, don't want to use us as MSP anymore, how to…
Default settings in nebula ?
How to factory reset all settings to default values in nebula cloud management ? I need to reset all settings to troubleshoot network issues, but can`t find any where to reset them all besides manually factory reseting every device attached! all help is appreciated. ☺️
[Problem] Disassociate Station Threshold
I can't change the dbm. I always get a "Number is incorrect format" failure. Is it a bug in the nebula UI? Greeting Holger
Smart steering incorrect Number Format
Hi, Today i noticed that i can't change the Disassociation Threshold of Smart Steering. I can't save the change because the number fomrat is wrong. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in advance
Change registered email
Hi, I need to change my registered email for but the option to do so is greyed out so frustratingly I’m unable to do this hence me needing help from an admin. Help please.
Nebula IPSec VPN for iOS 18
I have an ATP100 on Nebula and I can't get the IPSec VPN to work on any ios devices. I can see from the firewall logs that it fails with this error: "IPsec SA negotiation failed". I have tried this from an iPhone XS running ios 18.3 and a couple of ipads running a different version of ios 18.
reset mfa my account
LAN/wired clients IP not shown in Nebula client lists, while wifi clients IP adress shown in column
DHCP is working fine. IP adresses assigned to all clients for LAN and Wifi AP connection are good. Web GUIs are accessible and ping is working. However Nebula app and NCC do not show the assigned IP adress in the client list column. (Site-wide/clients) All LAN/wired clients are connected through switch zyxel GS-1920-8HP do…
firewall rules NCC DOC not enough
Hi, for some devies like GS1915 the dns/udp to needs to be obligatory open https://community.zyxel.com/en/discussion/15068/what-are-the-firewall-ports-required-to-use-zyxel-nebula-control-center
delete site
There is something i don't understand when i delete an site. i have an customer with 2 sites. but one site isn't used. so this site i deleted. but after it, their switch and access point went offline. When I check the logging it tells me this: But i didn't create an site! i deleted an unused site. But what worries me the…
I cannot register my new device because "This device already registered to another account"
Dear Community, I'm newbie here, but I have a huge problem and please help me… Recently I bought two used GS1920-24HPv2 could managed switches from a private seller who advertised them as "restored default state / reset OK". Unfortunately I cannot register one unit from two in my account because I got this error message:…
Support Routing H models in Nebula
When will features like Support Routing H models be available in Nebula?
Remote Access VPN the checkbox relating to the Android script is not available
Good morning, I apologize for the inconvenience, I have a problem, in the ; Since I need it, I would like to know what the problem is; or how can I activate it? Thank you. Andrea Sdringola.
Nebula Switch Stacking Firmware Update
If I have 2 switches stacked through Nebula, how does a new firmware get applied? Does it update the first switch and restart, then update second switch and restart, so that connected devices stay online? Or do both switches update and restart at the same time, thereby disconnecting clients during the restart?
Account Nebula
voglio eliminare il mio account Nebula collegato a questo account
Revoke access with Microsoft Entra ID
I found yesterday the instructions on how to set up Microsoft Entra ID to authenticate users on a SSID. We are a school and let Staff and Post16 students on our BYOD wireless and this works great for that as we configure the Entra App to authenticate those groups. However, if I want to remove someone's access I remove them…
Unable to get Remote VPN working
Hi all. I have a USG Flex 100 and I'm trying to get Remote access VPN working but am unable to. I've set it up as follows. I've validated that the dynamic DNS looking URL there (that I've blocked out) resolves back to the IP address that I am on by looking up the a record DNS for it and doing a whats my IP. That IP is not…
Incident Nebula??
Hello, Today we have some strange behaviour. arround 10 customers have all offline USG Flex 200 devices. All went offline at 02:27. The switches behind those firewall are still online!