Virtual Server port mapping
Hi, Im new to NSG series, Im using the NSG-50 Cant get this working for me. Im trying to open up one single port and a single port-range (towards one remote ip ) for a remote ftp server.Added portmapping rule using virtual server NAT. Need to open both the single port, and the portrange in the same rule. How can you do…
Add name column to Inventory
Would be helpful to have an additional device name column in Organization-wide > Inventory table. Currently you need to click on the mac in order to see the (given) name of a device.
GS1920-8HP Link Aggregation Network Bridge W10
I have a Windows 10 computer with a network bridge (two lans bundle) connected to a GS1920-8HP. Before is a Gargoyle Asus Router with Openwrt beeing used. As soon as i connect the network bridge and set it to link aggregation static on the Zyxel Switch i get in syslog a lots of <28>jul 17 00:46:21 5minutesp…
Nebula Timeouts since yesterday
Every menus seems to keep loading on nebula. Today in the morning i logged out and also problems The german support asked me to post my problems here as they don`t forward it as it is beta state
Smart Mesh / Ethernet Failover / Wireless Bidge / WDS
Is there any way with the new firmware (https://businessforum.zyxel.com/discussion/4590/release-note-nebula-access-point-series-phase-9-2-firmware-has-been-released) to use the Smart Mesh Feature only for APs that are not connected with wired uplink? We have certain settings where it would be great to have a kind of WDS…
Removing MAC-based device from Nebula authentication
Hi, I have to remove some MAC-based devices from the (free) Nebula Authentication, but I just can’t figure out how to do this. There seems to be no way to remove any of these devices? How can this be done? Thanks in advance! Paul
WAX-650S PoE on older Nedula switches
We currently have two WAX-650S connected to a GS-1920-24HP. The switch ports are set to "Power up mode" =802.3at. Is it safe to set the APs to "Force override the power mode to full power" in order to get rid of the limited power notice if only two APs are connected to that switch? At least it seems to be working and the…
Domain Zone Forwarder
Hi! is there going to be possible to make Domain Zone Forwarders like in USG? I would like to configure so, that NSG would be the DNS server and that it would route internal dns requests to active directory server and others to an external DNS-server.
[NEBULA] Alias for Nebula device and a device Name for Add device by Nebula APP
Hi There, I would like to know if we can have an Alias name for my Nebula device like NAP or NSG when they are in stock. Now in Organization inventory; I can only see MAC address and serial number; no other description can be added. also when I use Nebula APP to add Nebula device; can I add a name for this device as well.…
Will more AP models be added to Wireless Bridge mode?
Hello, Most of my deployed AP's are NWA1123-AC PRO models. Will these units get the new Wireless Bridge mode feature?
Where can i download the latest firmware??
Hi Having a problem in a certain county of schools (yes all of them in this county) with proxies and behind firewalls. From the NCC no firmware would be downloaded cause Failed to download the firmware : URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL so allowed globally firmware.nebula.zyxel.com 443 and it worked. Come this…
When will nebula introduce a authentication solution with a sp350e like printer solution?
I've several customers with UAG4100/5100 solutions - and could get several more if nebula and the uag / sp350e solution were merged... is this on the drawing-board or have anyone found a clever work around with nebula?
Port Staus wird weder in APP noch auf der Webside angezeigt
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, über ein Jahr lief nun mein Nebular Switch mit der Anzeige der Ports in der Status übersicht. Seid einigen Wochen kann ich diese nun nicht mehr sehen. Dies geht weder per app ( wo durch mit dieser garkeine Ports mehr konfiguriert werden können) noch mit der Webside. Ist das ganze jetzt auch…
second NAP102
I want to set up a second NAP102 for a larger WiFi signal in my back yard. What will be the best way to connect this second one? By Smart Mesh or by connecting it with a UTP cable? Should I set the channels in both AP's the same or not? Many thanks in advance. Cheers, Jan
NSG interface addressing export/import file feature.
This new idea was raised by @JoeCraw. (original discussion) Feel free to leave a likes and comments. Jonas
Have to Enter Location on Each Device
Is there away to enter the location for a site on the site settings, so that the devices under that site can be set to inherit those settings instead of entering it on each device?
Create a MAC Filtering in speciefied port
Hi! We want to create a MAC Filtering rule for specied fort of a switch (GS1920-24P). The target is to permit only one MAC address to be connected en each port. P1 -> Allow only MAC AXXXXXX P2 -> Allow only MAC BBXXXXX P3 -> Allow only MAC CCXXXXX ...... Well, y tried with ACL-> "Customization Rules" , but not sure how to…
NSG - Muptiple WAN and LAN IP addresses - Feature request
We've got a case where the customer have 3 IP-addresses from their ISP. They would like to use one as primary address and the other two as 1:1 NAT addresses. But it's not possible to configure multiple WAN1 IP addresses in Nebula. We've also got customers with multiple IP subnets within the same VLAN (default VLAN). For…
Licens frage
Hallo erst mal! Ich bin neu im Zyxel Universum :) Und wollte mal fragen was der große Unterschied zwischen der Freien und der bezahlten Version ist? Am meisten interessiert es mich im Bezug zu dieser Begrenzung: USER AUTHORITES BUILT IN USER AUTHENTICATION ENTRIES MfG Kenneth PS: Ich bin Däne, Sprach- und Grammatikfehler…
Change background on Captive portal
It it possible to either change the colour or add an image to be made as the background fro the captive portal on a NWA1123-ACHD nebular manged AP?