USG Flex 200 Gold Security Pack not assigned
Hy team. I'm buy one licence from Circle for one USG Flex200 in Monitor on Nebula. The license appears assigned to the USG but not in Queued and inactive in MyZyxel Refreshing USG does not assign the license. That I have to do?
I have a problem activating my license USG FLEX 200 (standalone)
I have a problem activating my license (standalone). A few days ago, I have a problem activating my license USG FLEX 200’s Gold Security Pack (GSP). Until now it is in the following state: Deferred. I want to immediately activate GSP by revoking the Nebula Pro trial package, what should I do? Can you help me! Thanks./.
Connect to a Zyxel VPN ATP200 using a Ubuntu Server
Hi! Hope everyone is fine :) I have a ATP200 with VPN configured, and till now i only connected to the VPN using Windows Machines. Today i want to connect to the VPN using a Ubuntu Server, and i am having issues connecting, tried openconnect, vpnc etc, and till now i couldn't achieve it. Can someone support me, with…
How to remove device from portal.myzyxel.com?
Greetings, I gave my USG20W-VPN firewall to another person. I would like to transfer the license to the latter so that the new owner can register and monitor this firewall. I no longer have to be "the owner" so I don't have to have any kind of control and responsibility over this product. How can I do? Thank you very much.…
zyxel 7101 code
I'm having two issues with my router. 1. I don't have the original PW for wifi to use after factory reset. Any way to retrieve this ? I've tried scanning the QR code on the lable with serial number on located on the unit backside with Zyxel Air app, but only get the message "Sorry, QR code is invalid" 2. Connecting…
How to remove device from portal.myzyxel.com?
Hi, We have some old USG devices kicking around in our portal that have been upgraded to FLEX devices. How do we remove these old devices from the portal ? Many thanks for your time
What’s up with customer service?
I wanted to ask if anyone has ever had this happen to them on the online shop. Our seven year old Zyxel switch suddenly died on Saturday and we urgently need a 48 port POE switch. Ordered online with expedited shipping. Four days later instead of receiving the order we receive a no- reply email stating that our order is…
Zyxel Gold Security Pack
hello I am from the Republic of Uzbekistan. We have a zywall atp700 Zyxel Gold Security Pack with a 1-year license. The License expires on April 20, 2024, what do I need to do to extend it for another year?
I have a problem activating my license.
Hello good afternoon, I have a problem activating my license. Until now it is in the following state: Deferred ->Queued
Cancel account
How do I cancel My Zyxel cloud account ? Anna
2 SCR50 AXE in the same organization different sites / license?
hi, I will be adding a second SCR50 AXE device to the same organization but to a different site, therefore will have a second trial license. will the trial license be extended also for the first device? when I purchase a license it it valid for both devices? or its only valid for one device?
License question
I have two active licenses: UTM security pack with 38 days remaining, Nebula Pro pack with 9 days remaining. I have queued up (and currently showing deferred) the gold security pack. My question is when does the gold security pack (which I believes includes the Nebula pro pack license) go active? Is that in 9 days or 38…
How do I renew Licenses?
I navigate thru the UI for renew licenses, not able to renew at all.
Rinnovo licenze Firewall serie Atp
Buongiorno, ho necessità di rinnovare i servizi di protezione dedicati a Firewall Atp100/200, posso attivarli attraverso il vostro portale? o devo passare attraverso un rivenditore es. esprinet? In entrambi i casi quali sono le procedure per effettuare il rinnovo delle licenze? Grazie per il vostro urgente riscontro.
USG FLEX 100 andboxing, IPS, Anti-malware, etc.. License?
Hi, I just want it to be 100% clear to medo I need to buy anything extra? like licenses in order to activate the Zyxel USG Flex 100 ? or all I need to do is just register the device and automatically all the services will be activated? can someone please explain??— its not very clear!
DELETE my Account
Dear Zyxel Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request the deletion of my account associated with the email address [Your Email Address]. For personal and privacy reasons, I have decided to discontinue the use of your services and would like my account and all associated data to be permanently…
UTM licence already renewed but still receiving reminder from Zyxel
We've renewed our UTM licence pack app. two weeks ago via MyZyxel and the USG Flex 700 is showing the new expiration date in one year (2025). All seems to be ok. But Zyxel is still sending renewal reminder emails to us and MyZyxel is also still showing the expiration of the licence for today. Anything is not syncing…
Vorrei cancellare il mio account a nebula?
Vorrei cancellare il mio account a nebula? Giovanni
myZyxel dashboard unlink device
How can i unlink an ATP firewall from my account? Firewall is sold. /Tony
Zyxel Flex 200 - availablity
Wondering when the subject model is going to be available. Amazon is out of stock. ZyxelGuard isn't on their game. Non on your webstore. Regards, Bret