FWA710 losing 5G


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  • Zyxel_Kay
    Zyxel_Kay Posts: 1,280  Zyxel Employee
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    edited August 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi @spigias

    To start troubleshooting the issue with your FWA710 losing 5G connectivity, please follow these steps:

    1. Upgrade Firmware: Ensure your FWA710 is updated to the latest firmware version.
    2. Check 5G Signal Availability: Verify the 5G signal strength in your area. You can use the nperf website to check signal availability by selecting your Country, City/Province, District, and Carrier (Operator). Alternatively, contact your ISP to confirm 5G signal availability in your region.

    Could you also provide us with the following details?

    • What actions were taken before the connection drop occurred?
    • How frequently does the connection drop happen? Is it random or periodic?
    • Can you describe your network setup, including any devices connected to your FWA710?

    If your FWA710 is managed via Nebula cloud mode, please enable Zyxel Support and provide us your Nebula org and site name, so we can gain a clearer insight into your device configuration.


  • laser21
    laser21 Posts: 2  Freshman Member
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  • jannisb
    jannisb Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    I m from Greece too.

    I have 3 Zyxel FWA710 installed.

    All 3 with Cosmote Greece sim cards and Manual APN setting "vpn-internet"

    1.One works without problems in a remote Area where only 4g networks exist.

    2.One worked fine until the 5G network became awailable.Since then it disconnects and maintains

    a connection less than 1 day.

    3.The third is in an Area where there was no 5G and did an upgrade but the signal is not strong enough yet. It maintains the connection also less than 1 day.

    i have run many test on the site no.2 . i have changed the sim card and put the first one in a cell phone which did respond very fine with no disconnections.

    so the matter is primerily the FWA710.

    i think that the time has come to review the firmware to handle those disconnects.

    i it very disturbing and my customers loose their patience.

  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,934  Zyxel Employee
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    edited January 22

    Hi @jannisb ,

    It seems like you want to report that your FWA710 at Site 2 disconnects from 5G after less than 24 hours of operation.

    i have run many test on the site no.2 . i have changed the sim card and put the first one in a cell phone which did respond very fine with no disconnections.

    Regarding the SIM card test: Could you clarify if you mean that when the same SIM card is used in a mobile phone instead of the FWA710 at Site 2, it maintains a stable connection without disconnecting?

    To help troubleshoot this issue, please:

    1. Confirm if you have upgraded the FWA710 to firmware version 1.18P4
    2. Provide screenshots showing the signal strength values from the FWA710 (at Homepage)
    3. Confirm whether you enable the "Network Monitoring" feature to allow automatic reconnection attempts when the cellular connection is lost. The path: Network Setting > Broadband > Cellular WAN
  • jannisb
    jannisb Posts: 16  Freshman Member
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    Hello Judy,

    Thanks for your answer,

    Yes I did use the same sin card with a mobile phone and had a fast and stable connection without problems.

    My firmware version is 1.18(ACGC.4)C0

    It is the latest avaliable at the zyxel website.

    Is there a newer version available and how do I get it?

    I have network monitoring enabled.

    I do not have Screenshots available, but the 4g signal is always 5/5, and the 5g signal is 2/5.

    Switching to 4g only does not help, I get disconnected too.

    There are times where both 4g and 5g show 0/5 no signal. But my mobile phone works correctly at the same time.

  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,934  Zyxel Employee
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    Hi @jannisb ,

    Thank you for your feedback.
    The Zyxel FWA710 outdoor mobile router is equipped with a directional antenna. Please try adjusting the router's position and realigning the facing angles (antenna) face the main station to see if this improves the signal strength.

    SELBERG Posts: 373  Master Member
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    edited January 23


    First of all, you can´t compare with your moblie.

    Your mobile doesn`t point to a specific tower like your FWA710.

    Do you use cell lock it is more than possible you can lose internet if that specific cell for some reason goes down.

    Try with following: Set band to auto, no cell lock and don`t force 5g or 4g, set it to auto.

  • jannisb
    jannisb Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    I have set everything to auto like you suggest. And I have tried several settings before posting. I m aware that if I connect to a certain cell my connection can fail.

  • jannisb
    jannisb Posts: 16  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    i keep having the same problems.if i leave a web browser window open the connection is stable because the window is making the router reconnect if it disconnects.

    i cannot leace the management window open because there is a risk of somebody pressing accidently a button on the page.

    please release a new firmware with auto reconnect.

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