WAX620D-6E-EU0101F - Smartmesh
Hi, Will smartmesh utilize the 6GHz band as backhaul on the new access points?
Old NSC100 alredy registered
Hi, I bought a stock with some old USG firewalls and I found also one NSC100 but I can't use it since the Nebula portal says "Device is already registered by another user". So is there a way to delete the old registration? Thank you Andrea
How do I configure the channel on a NWA50AX
I am using the Nebula app. The device is listed and says the NCC licence is OK, though under licence plan it says it is unlicensed. There is no option to configure the device on the device page. The automatic channel selection is very poor - same channel as every other 5GHz device in the street.
Turn off 5 GHz
I'd like to turn off the 5 GHz band and only use 2,4 GHz. How?
d.nebula.zyxel.com DNS resolve shows different results then it tries to connect
Hello Community, My AP tries every minute to reach one of the two AWS Servers that are not listed in d.nebula.zyxel.com and is blocked. i followed the connectivity settings on your KB: Knowledge Base | Zyxel. TCP Port 6667 and 4335 fpr d.nebula.zyxel.com are allowed on the Firewall. Do i need to allow 443? Its noted that…
NWA1123-AC-PRO Blocks certain traffic & update issues
Hi, Our AP seems to block certain traffic. For example, we have an Amazon Music subscription for our premises and everything else in terms of online traffic seems to work fine however, Amazon Music traffic is blocked. I can't see any settings in Nebula that I can change to remedy the issue. I've also tried to update the AP…
Device Online status Medium Device disconnected for more than 15 minutes
Receiving this alert from two different clients and locations. The sites and fully up and working like normal. This is coming in as a security alert? Is the device not talking to SecuReporter?
support phone number from Finland
so what is today your phone support number from Finland
My nebula MSP alerts are not working.
It seems that my alerts in the MSP portal are not working in nebula. It doesn't seem to reconize my e-mail adres as valid
How do I "Activate" Nebula Pro Pack?
I've purchased a Nebula Pro Pack license, and assigned it to my Organization (Org Wide -> License and Inventory). I can assign this license to a device - is that how I enable Pro Pack to unlock the additional features? When I did this earlier, Nebula still had the top notice that I was using the Base Pack.
Any news on Nebula RESTful API ?
Hello,I just read this topic : https://community.zyxel.com/en/discussion/9766/are-there-any-public-http-restful-apis-for-the-nebula-portal I would like to know if there are any updates about a public API ?In my case, I'm just looking to get basic usages like :* Is AP Online ? * How many clients connected ? Thanks, Julien
This organization is using the Base Pack version of Nebula
I see this text when i'm login on Nebula portal, the problem occur when a new device has inserted in portal but is currently out of network, so the license is not yet started (expired 1 month trial, 1 year license not started), but this situation locks all my devices on Nebula, i think that is absurd that a device with…
NWA 1123-AC Pro Apple issues
Hi All I have 4 NWA 1123-AC Pro running on the base pack in Nebula Control Centre. They are linked and I have two SSID running on the group one is a 2.4 SSID and one is a 5g SSID I am having loads of issues with apple products not changing between controllers or just not working. I need to turn off wifi and the like on the…
Nebula widget "AP Traffic" usage
Good evening everybody,I see this widget availabe in the overview section of each organization named "AP Traffic" inside Nebula CC but also if I'm using some APs in that site I see this widget always blank.What is its reason to exists?Thanks in advance
Nwa90ax guest and l2 isolation list
hi, I enabled ssid with guest and then L2 isolation list, when I enable the latter no list appears, Nwa90ax supports guest, how can I do?
Allow communication between devices on different SSID
I created different SSIDs for specific bandwidth devices:* SSID_A: 2.4GHz * SSID_B: 5.0GHz * SSID_C: 2.4 and 5.0GHz DHCP is assigned by the router and uses a single pool of addresses. I have problems with devices on SSID_C from accessing devices on other SSID_A or _B. Is this expected behavior? Is there an advanced setting…
Ghost firewalls on Nebula account
Good evening,I'm adding organizations to my Nebula account.Analyzing two of them. Company A and Company B. -A-There is basic nebula pack, only one access point.On the left I see "firewall" section and if I click on it i see "USG FLEX 100"It is clearly a mistake but if I list devices I do not see any firewall (I know there…
Nebula Firmware Update doesn't do anything?
Hi, We have been using Nebula for some time, but recently the FW upgrade process, well, just doesn't do anything. If I go Site wide, Firmware Management, I can see Upgrade available, I select upgrade now (the device is online), click Save, shows changes saved, but nothing happens. This is for multiple clients, sites and…
NWA50AX / NWA50AXW won't upgrade firmware
Dear community, I have a small setup of two NWA50AX and one NWA50AXE which are showing available firmware updates since weeks, but do not upgrade at all. Neither automatically on Sundays, nor when I trigger the update manually. I already testet restarting the devices, changing the update schedule etc., but nothing helped.…
Nebula CC (Base Pack version) Changing Radio Settings
I have a NWA210AX that I have set the 5G radio set to 160MHz width in NCC. After about a week or so, NCC has changed the radio settings to 80MHz width. No explanation is given in the log. This happens consistently - radio settings on the access point get automatically changed after about a week or two of me setting it up…